pt. 2 / A Prodigy

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The guard nodded and stepped back. Simon sighs, then lets me in to see the view of the room. Holy shit, man. I glance around the room to see Lol sitting in the corner of the room, along with a similar, dark figure next to him. It's a little messy, there being a red table with bottles of alcohol and random enigmatic stuff cluttering the table. Guitars leaned against the wall and jackets were lazily dropped next to them. I'm more excited to see him than usual.. why am I like this?? The fact he invited me backstage is fucking embarrassing. Max is probably worried sick about where I am right now. Robert's hair is covering his eyes, but as I step in he looks up.

 Robert's hair is covering his eyes, but as I step in he looks up

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He stands up and shyly fiddles with his hands. God, was it cute. I'm taken aback by my thought, which I guess Robert saw because he formed a quite upset expression on his face. "Oh, y/n, I'm sorry if I scared you by inviting you here." He shoves one hand in his pocket and looks at Lol and Simon. "Do you think we could have a moment, yeah?" Lol and Simon takes a judgemental glance at each other and then leave the room. Before doing so, Simon turns around "Robert, is this another one of your-" "No! God, Simon! You know I stopped.." He cried, seeming mortified Simon would even think that. Simon sighs and closes the door. What the hell? A pang of jealousy strikes through me as I lean on the wall. "So... I thought you'd be too busy to see me, yeah?" I mocked. I didn't mean to sound that rude, but inferencing what Simon said, I think I got an idea of what Robert's been busy with. "I invited you back here because I haven't been able to contact you, y/n." He looks down. I don't know why, but that makes me even angrier. "Okay, that's fine I guess but what was Simon going on about? Another what? Girl??" I feel jealous as if we were in a relationship. 

Robert looked disgusted in himself. He bit his lip and looked back up at me. "Let's sit." We walked over to a red leather couch and sat on opposite sides. He leans across the coffee table in front of us and grabs one bottle out of many. He grabs two glasses. "Do you drink?" I could tell he hesitated at the end of his sentence. He used to call me love, but I guess not anymore. I feel like he wanted to. I nodded, again, like a mad man. Despite how much fury I felt at the moment, I still smiled at the thought of him calling me love. God, what is wrong with me? Soon, we fell into conversation. Deep conversation.

"Yet, every time I call you, you answer. And you talk for quite a lot of time, but I'm always driving the conversation. It's like you don't like talking to me. I know we've known each other for so long but-" Robert interrupted me. "No, y/n, I love talking to you. Things are just... hard. And busy. I never even wanted to get this famous, you know." The conversation spiraled. We talked for so long that I forgot about Lol and Simon. I guess they just went into another room. As the conversation continued we got more and more pissed. 

"I really missed talking to you, Robert." My words slurred. "Yeah, y/n. We always had such amazing conversations. Though, we're getting dangerously pissed. I think we should really stop." He stood up to make tea and he had to catch himself. It was adorable. I don't know if I'm thinking properly. I haven't drank in years, so this shit was hitting hard. As I watch him make tea, I feel the same mesmerizing feeling. He's so dark, but light. A perfectly imperfect balance of misery and hope. "Hey, Rob." His back is turned, but he looks back at me. "I think I love you." I feel my cheeks getting warmer. His eyes seem to drain of life and his pose becomes stiffer as he looks back to his cup. "You don't." I'm appalled. What the fuck does that mean? "No, I do!" I sit up.

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