We'll now be with together forever dear brother

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A/N: this a dreamare oneshot so if you're not a fan of this ship, you may want to skip this chapter. Though I would consider this particular story more of  a brotherly love than a romantic love, but take it as you will. Also this contains  heavy angst, So be warned lol.

Also, the setting first takes place on the hill of the tree of feelings.

And also, (lol you're probably tired of my messages already) there will be a pov switch from first person to third person. Hopefully it isn't to jarring.


Dream's POV:

I'm so stupid.

That single sentence kept echoing within my mind as I read more and more pages of my brother Nightmare's diary.

I'm so stupid.

I can't believe this has been going on for this long. Some people may say that it was rude to go through someone else's diary, but I needed answers. I knew that behind my brother's gentle eyes and reassuring smile, that he was actually hurting inside. I knew that each time he said, 'I'm fine.' that he was not fine. I knew that each time my sweet, beautiful, Nighty claimed that he tripped, or that he was clumsy, to explain all the bruises and scratches he had, that he was lying and it was impossible for those injuries to be from mere clumsiness. But even so, I did nothing.

I did nothing to help him, and instead I went to hang out with those wretched villagers and my so called 'friends'. The same people who cause my dear brother to be in such a horrible state. And yet despite all their disgusting deeds, and their hypocritical words, the one who hurt my brother the most was undoubtedly me. 

Me, his brother, his closest friend, his most trusted person, or that was what I should've been. I was supposed to be there whenever he needed someone to vent to, someone to trust, someone to comfort him. But I was never there and he was left alone to suffer in silence. 

I'm so stupid.

Maybe some would say that it wasn't my fault. That if my brother needed help he would've came to me on his own accord. And that the fact that he didn't proved that he was fine or that he didn't deserve help if he wasn't able to ask for it. Tch, I know those piece-of-shit villagers might've spouted that kind of bs to cause me to further distance myself from my sweet brother.

But I've helped enough people to know that it wasn't that easy to ask for help. You may want it or need it, but could find yourself not being able to ask for it. You may be too embarrassed to ask for it, or may even think that you don't deserve any help. Or maybe some other reason, but I know that it can be extremely hard to ask for help even if it's just a person away.

Especially in the case with my brother. My sweet, adorable, shy, kindhearted Nighty. I as his brother knew him best, and I knew, I KNOW that if he was truly hurting that he wouldn't seek help. I know that that he'd rather choose to suffer in silence rather than to bother anybody with his troubles. I know that he has an inferiority complex and often times felt as if he was a burden, especially when it came to me, and that he would never try to ask me for help. Even if it killed him. He wouldn't want to bother his amazing and beautifully shining brother who deserved to be put on top of a pedestal and admired by all. Even if it meant that he would be slowly killing himself in a constant state of suffering, if it only meant that his dear brother Dream could smile a little longer.

I know his thought process. We're brothers, twins, we have the same mindset. I feel the same about my dear Nighty, I feel as if he deserves the world and nothing less. I even sometimes feel as if he's way too good for me, and for me to be born as his brother and to be as close to him as I am, that I was the luckiest monster to ever exist! Yes, I know all that, but I still failed to reach out to him when it mattered the most.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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