Chapter 1

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THIS IS MOSTLY FOR ME TO LEARN HOW TO WRITE SMUT SO PLEASEEE COMMENT IF ITS BAD LMAO SO I CAN IMPROVE (which is why it took so long for me to post this bc I was scared it was bad 😭)

tw: sexual content, DARK SEXUAL THEMES (no noncon)

"You take tips, honey?"

Jaime felt a nervous flare hit her body as the man she was knelt in front of ran a hand through her hair. She moved her head to the side, slowly getting away from his touch. She didn't want his hands on her at all anymore. But if she pushed him away, or moved too abruptly, he might get mad. And the most important thing about this job was making sure you didn't make the men mad.

Clearing her throat, she backed up further, and stood. She fixed the top buttons of her shirt, which she'd undone only for this service.

"No," she told him. Her voice came out without emotion. She finished closing her top, fully covered finally. "Just what Barry told you."

"He said forty," the man mumbled. "That..." He let out a low laugh, glancing her up and down. "That seemed worth a hell of a lot more."

She gave a small shake of her head. "Just forty." She tried to keep her eyes off him, knowing eye contact would only prompt further conversation.

The man stood. Jaime stepped back, finding solitude by leaning against the wall.

He kept on with, "Maybe I want to give a little extra. Make sure my next visit is just as nice."

She hated that. She hated knowing she'd have a returning customer.

She forced a tight lipped smile, and finally looked back at him, realizing he was one of those men that wouldn't leave without a clear send off. "It will be."

"And..." Another glance down her body. "How much is it for you to do that topless?"

She pressed further against the wall. "Topless is sixty."

"Alright." Another smile from the man. "See you, pretty thing."

Her lips formed a thin line. Once he stepped out of the room, Jaime shut the door, locking it behind him. Another shiver ran through her. Quickly, she went to the bathroom. Jaime then did her normal routine that took place after a customer. She washed her hands, brushed her teeth, washed her hands again. Mouth wash, brushed her teeth, mouth wash, then washed her hands again. It was easier to wash herself if the men didn't touch her. But they always tried to. At least the man that just left only touch her hair, and didn't try fondling her like others did.

Jaime was probably one of the only sex workers-defintiely the only around here-that made men wear condoms to get a blowjob. But god, not even that latex barrier felt like enough sometimes.

His Hands Linger ~ Rafe Cameron // OC // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now