Chapter 6

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tw: mentions of violence

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tw: mentions of violence

The pink stitches stuck out like a sore thumb. The long line of thick stitching so completely obvious on the light blue work shirt.

But at least it was wearable.

Country Club tried to come back the next morning, but Jaime begged and begged for Barry to send him away, saying she couldn't risk getting hurt before work.

Surprisingly, Barry catered to her request pretty quickly. Which put her even more on edge. Because apparently Barry believed there was a strong possibility Country Club would hurt her that morning.

And Jaime wondered what kind of person he was for Barry to see him as more of a threat than the other addicts that visited the trailer.

Regardless, Barry told Country Club that he was banned for another day, saving Jaime by acting like it was his idea. She got a few moments of peace that morning knowing he wouldn't be waiting for her here at the end of the day.

When Jaime finally stepped out to get her bike and head to work, she noticed her mother already awake and outside. She made sure to say, "Thank you, mama," politely, beyond grateful the shirt was wearable at all.

Her mother was smoking a cigarette, sitting on a lawn chair near Jaime's parked bike. "Don't be messing around with those rich boys," her mother said as she blew out a puff of smoke. "They don't see you as human. You're lucky the shirt is all he tore apart."

A pit formed in Jaime's stomach. "I don't...mess around with them. They come here. They choose me, I don't choose them."

"Barry lets you send some away," Madelyn reminded her, a slash of jealousy on her tongue. She flicked some ash on the ground. "I don't get to do that. I don't choose them. You do."

She bit her lip, knowing there was no point in arguing. But she couldn't help but blurt out in frustration, "You choose to be here, I don't-"

"Shut your mouth," Madelyn snapped at her. She stood up. "You know damn well you chose this. You don't want to be doing this? Fine. Go. Get out. Go live on the street."

Jaime braced herself, gripping her bike handles. She snapped back, "You think I wouldn't if I could?"

If Jaime had the privilege of living on the street, she'd leave in a heartbeat.

She couldn't. Barry would go get her. Because of her mom's debt, which she was still paying off.

"You'd be dead by now if I didn't find us this place," Madelyn spat at her. "You-You criticize me for this, but you need to be a little more fucking appreciative. You know exactly where you'd goddamn end up if Barry wasn't here for us."

Jaime inhaled sharply, trying and failing to bite her tongue. "...I know where you'd be-" She hissed in pain as her mother flicked ash at her, little drops of heat hitting her bare legs.

His Hands Linger ~ Rafe Cameron // OC // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now