6 | Secrets Hidden in the Clouds

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The millelith were wiped out by the dust soldier's unpredictableness and our combined might. My hands didn't seem to want to stop shaking. Lei-Li had survived the war? Was she there to witness Morax's death? What did she know about the rest of the archon war? Moon Carver stood silent, eyes no doubt on the vision hanging from Lei-Li's clothes. A low rumble of a hum echoed in the air as the dust soldier collapsed back into the ground from whence he came. Once the dust has settled, I'm the first to break the silence.

"Guizhong, God of Dust, only gave but one person a vision," I slowly said as I put my polearm away. Lei-Li stared at me wide-eyed. She pat her head and realized her sash wasn't on her head. "She had an adeptus apprentice known as Lei-Li."

"A dust vision?!" exclaimed Paimon, floating toward Lei-Li in awe. The poor woman's clearly embarrassed, laughing nervously and scratching at the back of head. It appeared she was at a loss for words. She's bombarded with questions by the flying girl. I grabbed Paimon and gently moved her away from the overwhelmed girl. This would get nowhere if she were to be bombarded with things she didn't understand.

Paimon grumbled in disappointment, wanting to take a closer look at Lei-Li's vision. "Lei-Li," said Moon Carver, "Your situation is best discussed with Cloud Retainer. For now, let us focus on the matters you've brought before me."

"My...situation?" Lei-Li questioned quietly. I gently placed a hand on her shoulder, silently letting her know I'd be here if she needed to talk about everything. I didn't know what happened after I went into hiding and part of me was afraid to find out. It would be fine. Maybe I could convince myself to reveal who I truly was in front of Cloud Retainer? I did look a little different than I did before the war.

Once the situation was explained to him, Moon Carver was furious. I couldn't help but agree with him, of course. How could someone have possibly struck down a god during the Rite of Descension without anyone noticing? And why would the Qixing place blame on the civilians? Now that this has been brought to my attention, my mind only goes back to one man in particular.


He had to be connected to this situation in some way. Those near lifeless eyes of his held within them some sort of feral ambition. A dangerously unpredictable man. We were instructed to seek out Xiao, Conqueror of Demons after visiting Mountain Shaper and Cloud Retainer. How long had it been since I last spoke with any of the Yaksha Morax had enlisted to fight alongside us. I had not heard anything about them since I came to Teyvat either.

I was going to have to do more research on the Fatui. My knowledge on them was worryingly limited.

The meeting with Mountain Shaper proved to be uneventful aside from the fact we had to rescue some poor man from the confines of an amber imprisonment. That had been a rather...interesting saga. I was well aware of the lengths the Adepti went through to keep their homes purged of anything they thought would taint them but...an imprisonment in amber seemed extreme in my opinion. Mountain Shaper had never been my favorite of Morax's Adepti.

Rather hypocritical of me once I realize just how much of a menace Morax truly was. Now that I think about it, his temper was much better than- I'll just stop thinking about it. Now that we'd set foot upon Mt. Aocang, Lei-Li had perked back up, running around to look at everything on it. A table at the center of the pond is what drew her attention quickest. I watched her race over to our old seats, the five stones silent and cold with who knows how many years of no use. A little sad. I missed when we could simply sit here and chat.

"Here sits: Lei-Li," read Paimon. "And...here sits: Aphelion? I've never heard of that name." Ouch. That's sorta a hit to my morale. Then again, I did bring this upon myself. I walked over to the seat that used to be mine. There was a plate with something engraved in the center of it. It looked like my godly name and Lei-Li's name.

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