21 | Land of a Thousand Dreams

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8,000 years ago

Perhaps this was a bad idea? A group of people, huddled closely together to fight the cold, shuffled behind me. There was no doubt in my mind that it would be best to not let anyone else know about this. This would be my little secret, a secret that nobody would know I had a hand in. After all, these people deserved the promise of prosperity but it would be one that they'd be able to build themselves. As far as they know, I am nothing but a young, prodigy priestess.

"Mother Ophelia," a young man spoke up his face the very picture confusion as he took in the bare landscape in front of us. "I do not understand just how we'll turn this into a nation worthy of praise." I stuck the stick that held my lantern into the ground. This area right here would be perfect, I just had a feeling it would.

I turned to him with a smile. "Alchemy will be our greatest ally in the creation of such a nation," I said, gesturing out toward the bare landscape. "You don't need God's powers to breathe life into the land! Go ahead, take your alchemy in hand and breathe into this barren land the gift of life!"

Motivated by my words, the people spread out and began growing fauna that could withstand the landscape. Something akin to pride settled in my chest as I watched green overtake the area I'd chosen for our needs. The next thing we needed to do was create shelter, there were pregnant women amongst our group and who knows when their waters could break? I took the strongest people who weren't actively using Alchemy and sent them to gather stones. There was no doubt marble somewhere beneath the land, but we'd reach that later.

It was safe to say that we'd set a firm foot in the ground. I gaze up toward the sky, constellations shining brightly above us. "Are you certain we can build a city without the Gods?" Callisto of the Eclipse Dynasty asks.

Callisto was a young man in his mid-twenties with long, black hair and eyes the color of a brightly glowing sun. He was the man I'd chosen to lead this kingdom to greatness. Callisto was nervous and on edge constantly but that's just what wars did to people. I laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and smiled up at him. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing," I assured him. "As long as the stars above us shine brightly, as long as you and your people continue to nurse a strong bond and companionship, this kingdom will prosper."

He didn't look completely convinced by my words. "I am a warrior, not a king, Mother Ophelia," he sighed, placing his hand atop. "I am not fit for this. Astrid would've no doubt been a much better candidate."

"You are exceedingly intelligent. I will act as a consultant for you," I said, watching as stone slabs were dragged toward what could be the center of the town square. "But, in my mind I doubt you'll need my help."

His face twisted up in apprehension. The burden of governing an entire kingdom alone would be a great one. That being said, I'd do my best to alleviate his worries and anxieties. That's part of the reason I chose to hide myself as a mortal. I would do my very best to not play a divine role here.

"Hm, could you do me a favor and gather all the people up here?" Callisto questioned. "I think I've thought up a good name for our kingdom."

I nodded and gave him a slight bow. It took no longer than ten minutes to gather up his soon to be subjects. He's standing atop a pile of stacked stone, his black cape waving gently in the wind. Callisto had always been a man of thought as opposed to action. I'd known him since I first decided to try living amongst mortals which was...ten years ago?

Callisto cleared his throat, "This once barren land, shall become a kingdom worthy of praise for thousands of years. There is no amount of hardships we cannot overcome by teamwork, companionship and tenacity. For, even though we are without a god, we can rise amongst the ranks of Teyvat and rival even that of Dacarabian's Monstadt. With the aid of Alchemy, surely our kin will continue on our legacy as citizens of: Khaenri'ah the City without a God."

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