27 | Beneath the Crust

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6,000 years ago

The scratch of charcoal on paper paired with the gentle beat of rain upon the roof proved to be rather soothing. My head laid on Delta's shoulder as I watched her sketch out the scene before us. Sleep crept at the edges of my mind but I stubbornly fought it off in hopes of seeing the finished product. She'd explain that drawing things helped her further visualize them in her mind's eye when we'd been younger and before our mother had disappeared. I'd been wanting to ask her to teach me as of recently but my talents lay in dance and writing.

Her voice shifted my attention away from her scroll, "If you're tired you can lay down, Li." Delta gestured to my bed with her chin. I stretched and waved off the concern, biting back a yawn. The only reason I was tired was due to my horrendous sleep schedule. Staying up to the morning sun was stupid but the quiet beauty of nighttime kept me up. I couldn't help it, though, I thrived in the darkness. She shook her head at me but didn't push any further.

"Is it going to be like this all day?" I questioned, getting closer to the window she was looking out of. Dark clouds blocked out the sun and its warmth. Hardly anything was visible and I prayed our fruit trees survived the storm. The kingdom we'd been slowly building would need them. That and I didn't want to be inside most of the day. I huffed and leaned against the wall.

Delta hummed, papers crinkling beneath her diligent fingers. "No doubt. It's a nice atmosphere for getting some of your writing done," she reminded me of the work I'd been meaning to do. While I considered myself an author, procrastination happened to be my best friend. I glanced over at the scroll that sat waiting patiently on our shelf, scowled and turned back to the window.

"I don't feel like it."

"I know but you're going to stay antsy if you don't do anything," Delta remarked matter of factly, peering at me from beneath the brim of her hat. That was true. But what could I do? The rain was pouring down and I did not want to step out into the freezing rain. Sometimes I regretted having chosen this area for Prophis to thrive. At least the people didn't have to worry about enemies seeing as we were situated far away from most, if not all, other civilizations. Delta muttered something beneath her breath and I just knew it was some sort of joke or jab at me.

She laughed when one of my empty scrolls met the side of her head with a quiet "thwack!" and landed on the floor uselessly. A smirk flashed across her face. I rolled my eyes. I suppose this was payback for me and my pranks. Delta picked the scroll back up and threw it back to me. I caught it and set it back on the shelf. That's when I noticed the rain had slowed down to a light drizzle. Finally! I changed out of my more casual clothes and into something suitable for walking in mud.

Delta carefully put away her sketch and stood. "If you're checking on the townspeople I'll go too. I believe Miss Emilia might have some more watercolor paint finished."

"Ooh, you should paint the cathedral."

She made a strange face for a moment. "Maybe...maybe."

I didn't question it since I knew she had her secrets and she wouldn't answer no matter how much begging I did. Disguising ourselves as mortals we headed toward the town square. As expected, there was hardly a soul on the streets, all the people having taken shelter in their homes. Delta was quick to make her way over to Miss Emilia's shop while I played around in the puddles. Summer had gone by in a flash and fall had since replaced it. In the north, most trees never lost their leaves, staying a beautiful green year-round.

Even still, a few leaves laid on the ground. A tingle shot up my back. I frowned and looked up just in time as a bright, yellow ball of light shot past me overhead. Was that a star? I scrambled into Miss Emilia's shop, both her and Delta's heads snapped towards me.

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