Chapter 9

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Bucky looked down to his watch once again. Grace was meeting with Laurie and made him promise to stay away. They were in one of the conference rooms and he stood in a nearby kitchen area just in case he hears glass breaking or someone screaming. He looked up at the sound of footsteps and let out a huff of annoyance when he saw Sam.

"They still in there?" Sam asked walking over to grab a cup for coffee.

"Yeah," Bucky said walking over to the hall and peeking down to the door. "It's been like a half hour, maybe I should check in."

Sam laughed. "I don't think that would go the way you hope. Just let them work it out." Bucky just continued to glance down the hall. "So I've been meaning to ask you, is Grace going to Tony's party?"

That got Bucky's attention. He looked back over to Sam who stood leaning against the counter, coffee cup in hand.

"Who wants to know?"

"I want to know. That's why I asked." Sam laughed. "So is she planning on going?"

Bucky let out a sigh before walking over to the man. "Why do you want to know?"

"I was thinking about asking if she wanted to go to the party with me." Sam said before taking a sip of his coffee to keep from laughing at the look on Bucky's face.

"You want to ask her out?" Bucky had to use every ounce of restraint not to hurt this man for even insinuating asking his girlfriend out on a date. He also had to remember that not many people even knew she was his girlfriend.

"Yeah, I thought we hit it off back at the dinner she invited us to." Sam shrugged. "I just thought that something was there you know. A connection." Sam took another sip of coffee when Steve walked in and looked between the two.

"Uh, hey guys, everything alright?" Steve asked and Sam looked over to him, but Bucky just kept his eyes on Sam. "Buck?"

Sam couldn't hold it and just burst out laughing. "I'm just playing, I'm playing with you man." Sam gave Bucky a pat on the arm and Bucky just pushed him a way. "I was just playing, don't be like that."

"That's your problem Sam. Everything's not joke." Bucky shook his head before heading out into the hall.

Steve let out a sigh before turning to Sam. "What did you do this time?"

"I may have told him that I wanted to ask Grace to Tony's party." Sam laughed and Steve just let out sigh as he shook his head. "It was a joke. But seeing his reaction, I might ask her."

"And he might kick your ass." Steve said. "Just chill out man, I get you think you're helping him, but just don't get in the middle of whatever is going on between him and Grace." Sam looked over to Steve who walked over to the refrigerator.

"What aren't you saying?"

Steve grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator before looking over to Sam in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Sam looked at him for a moment and just shook his head with a chuckle.

"Alright, I'll drop it." Sam said before grabbing his mug and heading out into the hallway. He spotted Bucky now standing against the wall staring at the door to the conference room and Sam just continued to laugh as he turned and headed back down to the elevator.

Steve came out to the hall, spotting Bucky as well and let out a light laugh as he walked over.

"You know I don't think you're going to have to worry about keeping your relationship with Grace secret for much longer." Steve said and Bucky looked over to him with a quirked brow. "A couple of more outbursts like that and I think people are just going to figure it out." Bucky scoffed as he turned away. "You know he thinks he's actually helping you."

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