I knew since the start that my life will be hard
Born with no dad, single mom working hard every day to make us happy
Trying so hard to fill the Space, sacrificing her life for her kids
She forget herself all her thought was about her kids refusing all men
Staying awake all night when we have exams when we are sick when
we are going through tough Times
I don't know if I call her man because she had the strength to face all
problems and all circumstances
They Said she's bitch she's a witch she’s Bad
Everyone hates her simply because she decided to survive she took
Care of her kids despite all obstacles
I dont know how to thank her
You know it's hard when everyone is talking about their dads, all the
great moments,
I always wanted to come out after school and watch dad wait for me,
but I never had the chance to do so.
All tough moments, when they get punished by their dads, anyway I
never knew that feeling
We used to blame her, why we are living separated, why our dad
didn't even call, why our father never be with us
There are things man should deal with man
I was never capable to tell mom some stuff
I used to get hurt a lot, and cry alone, they asked me always where is
your dad?
So I used to lie to feel complete, trying to make people believe I'm
having a great life
Sometimes or most of the Time family issues are the main reason to
be weak
And I never lie borning get raised in a women’s community made me
But you know something After the Darkness it comes the Sun
Because if I didn't face this I will never know how to be a great dad,
never know how to understand women
My mom, she's my hero, she’s the one that keeps me strong
Keeps me awake she did a lot to make me man have value ,
I don't know how to make her happy; I don't know what I need to do
to pay back her favor,
I don't know if I will love someone else but I will never love someone
like I love my mom
All what i want is to make her proud
I didn't know how to deal with problems and sometimes I mean a lot
of Times I couldn't Say to mom
Because she was already broken thinking about a lot
There are times when I've been bullied by others and couldn't make a
Because I never know how to deal with, many conditions and a lot of
ups and downs
Despite all of this, I Want to Say that I feel you,
My duty is to express other people's feelings,
People who can’t Say I’m the son of a widow, I'm the son of a
divorced woman
They said they are weak
They cannot face their own trouble they cannot face the entire world
Be thankful that god gave you such a great person your mom that she
can get killed, gave her soul just to see you surviving, see you happy
Now it’s your duty to make her happy, proud,
I'm writing this for all single moms
I'm writing this because you deserve all happiness all the good stuff
I can’t hold my tears after all those years
I would love to Say thank u
Born To Write
SpiritualBorn to write a book was made for all people who are going through a tough time It contains many subjects that a lot of them care about, each subject will try to share a message with advice that could help and most importantly share the same fe...