Falling For You

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Two weeks had gone by since the fight with quintessa, and cade was now the official medic slash care holder for the Autobots. walking out of his newly rebuilt barn cade looked around seeing builtin in houses or garage's for the bots all thanks to Joshua, though the man pretty much owed him a life debt. " Bumblebee have you seen my sledgehammer" shouted Hounds voice near the house. Looking cade sighed loudly these bots where gonna be his death. He watched as bee and hound began to argue over something so simple. " Good morning cade " a rich deep voice rolled over Cades ears causing his back to shiver. Turning he smiled up at Optimus " morning Optimus, did the meeting go well " he asked. After the battle the government kept trying to regain the autobots trust any many ways and forms, though it didn't go well for them, but cade could care less about the government and what they think is right. The Autobots where his friends and family now, screw the government. " They are pestering as ever " growled Optimus you could see the anger in his optics. Cade nodded with a deep sigh " that's the government for yeah, bunch of rat bastards feeding off the weak " he hissed out. Cade began walking towards the his drive thru it was mail day" how has your projects coming along " asked Optimus from behind him. Cade grunted out rubbing at his neck " could be better, but ain't no lack of trying " he chuckled stopping near the mail box and began to brows through the bills, but stopped on a letter" The government really is annoying" he spoke showing Optimus the invitation for next week's government official meeting. Optimus  pinched his face plate with annoyance as he scanned the paper. Cade didn't blame him not after all they've been through. Cade sighed sitting down against the porch " you would think after every no you gave they would  finally stop asking" rubbig his hair back cade looked at Optimus. " I've given them their answer's, and my words are final I do not wish to see them again" spoke Optimus his optics deemed, probably remembering the pain of his losses do to the government alone. Cade frowned before getting up and began to pay against Optimus peds " I've got you back old wreck " he smiled up at the transformers. Optimus looked down at his friend in wonder, humans though they have betrayed his family, not all fall along the same path and still surprise him till this day" and I have yours cade Yeager ". Cade heart leapt causing him to pull back " good now I need to get back toooo_" cade froze up seeing his latest project beginning Chumped in strong metal jaws " GRIMLOCK " he shouted in alarm and anger. GRIMLOCK turned him and froze up caught in action. Cade crossed his arms and began walking towards the big beast. Optimus chuckled lowly watching  as cade began to scold the dinobot. He looked at the human and felt his spark twitch and warm up. In all his years or eons no other caused his spark to leapt so hard as cade does. With amused optics Optimus watched on not wanting to miss this moment. Though he only knew cade for a short while, this human has helped his family out more times than any other Sure their was Sam, but half the time the boy needed saving more so than his family, but cade was different he fought like and autobot and was smart about it. Optics watched as cade began to point and scowl at the dinobot making the beast drop his knew toy. Walking towards the barn Optimus smiled he would look after cade for he loved this human with all his spark.  Cade let out a loud destress groan while caring his project back into the barn " having trouble Cade"  spoke Optimus who was sitting out in the barn near his table. Cade sighed setting down his project he looked up with a stern face " remind me to build grimlock a toy " he exclaimed causing the prime to chuckle " he just likes you cade his like a dog ". Cade grunted sitting down in his chair " a bit giant metal one that's for sure, but oddly it makes my heart melt " he chuckled looking at Optimus " I'm glade I have them here wouldn't change it for nothing". Optimus was not surprised by thosw words " and for that cade I am glade you are a part of this family" he spoke back. He couldn't speak how could he after beginning with the bots for so long always wondering if he was a part of this little messed up family. Cade smiled at Optimus " thank you prime I'm glade your here old wreck " he spoke. Optimus watched as cade optics began to close meaning the human had worked himself until he could not carry on " thank you care for bring me back and giving us a home".

The house was finally finished after long months of waiting and having to sleep inside of the barn. Cade looked at the replica of his old home where he had raised Tessa after his wife passing. Cade felt his eyes swelling up as he walked up and touch his old home. He turned to the bots and smiled a few tears leaking  down his face " thanks guys "he spoke " ahh shucks Cade Don't go crying on us now " spoke hound who laughed " yeah you helped us through a lot of scrap it's the least we could do " spoke crosshairs. Drift stood to the side and bowed his head with a smile. Optimus watched from a far with a smile he was glade cade had a home now and they where apart of it.

About 5 months had gone by for the bots and their human friend. Alot had happened throughout those months. Tessa came for a visit only to find out she was pregnant with lucky charms child, which had Optimus picking up a very pissed off grandpa causing said grandpa to flush with embarrassment as the prime kissed his chest Infront of the whole family. Yeah you heard it right himself and Optimus where together now, though it took him getting hurt and rushed to the hospital after almost having his arm chopped off by his lastest project to get them both to confess . Cade was happy truly about beginning with Optimus. They've been together for about 4 months now getting to truly know each other. Glancing up from his work cade smiled as Optimus walked in and began to shrink, yep that's right after about a month into dating the prime cade fount out real quick that bots could shrink their forms into something smaller though it did take a lot of their energy to do so. " Hello my spark " spoke Optimus as the mech wrapped his metal arms around the inventors waist. Cade sighed leaning back into the primes chassis " hey old wreck what brings you here not that I'm complaining". Optimus kissed down Cades neck to his shoulder before speaking " it is late my love and you are in here ". Cade looked at the time and cursed " ahh sorry Optimus I just gotta finished this one part and I'll come to bed " he spoke turning around and smiled kissing the primes lips. Optimus gave cade a stern look before picking the man up by his aft and began heading out of the barn. Cade yelped wrapping his legs around Optimus waist plate " Optimus wait my project " he hissed out glaring. Optimus rolled his optics before leaning up and kissed the glare off of cade face" since your not tired my spark I'll make you sleep". Cade face went bright red as he gapped at his lover " your not thinking of that are you_are you " he asked with a bit worry, sure he loved Optimus, but the prime would leave him in bed for a day or two after sex. " Come on Optimus no we can't I have a deadline, love wait " he wiggled and thrashed, but his lover held on firmly. The two walked into the house and slammed the door loud shouts could be heard before cades loud moaning began to echo out the walls causing most of the boys to groan in annoyance " gonna have to get them a silencer or something" spoke hound and bee beeped in agreement " yep doggy can't take much of this shit through the air ".

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