To Preserve Everything That Is Metal ( Part 2)

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Cade groaned blinking awake he looked seeing he was still on Optimus shoulder plate he sat up “ good evening Cade” spoke Optimus deep voice. Cade gave off a smile “ evening Optimus “ he spoke back “ mind if i get down big guy “ he asked. 

Optimus gave his new charge a nodded before holding out his servo for the man. Once Cade had climbed on Optimus placed him gently onto the ground next to his daughter. “ Are we all that is left” he spoke to his autobots “ there picking us off one by one “ exclaimed crosshairs as hound spoke next “ with there pathetic humans forces and you make five”. 

Cade frowned at that how could humans be so cruel, yet having been at the hands of a few he knew how they reacted to things that are different. “ Lockdown is hunting us and humans are helping him, we need to know why” spoke Optimus. Cade perked up “ I don't know why but I believe I know where they went” he spoke pulling out the drone. Cade hooked it up and a hologram showed “ they pick them off and take them to a place called KSI it's a genetic robotic operation ran by a man name Joshua” he explained. 

Optimus looked at his charge with kindness glad to have the man's help “ thank you Cade for helping us “ he spoke. He paused seeing the man giving him a kind smile in return and it caused something to steer in his spark something he's yet too understand. 

“ I'm happy to help Optimus” Cade spoke giving the Prime a kind smile before looking away to grab his things. He never notice the longing look the prime had gave or how it shifted to one of confusion. Cade hopped out of drift just as hound spoke about getting into the building “ we'll how about some help “ he spoke “ what are we partner's now.” Spoke Tessa. Cade turned to her “ in a way yes little star we are “ he spoke and smiled as she gave him a playful eye roll. 

Optimus stood with a vent smoke leaving his cooling tanks “ I swore to never kill humans” he growled glaring coldly “ big mistake” spoke hound “ but when I found out who's behind this he's going to die “ he barked. 

Cade looked out the window of a tall tower spying on KSI “ there's a full out man out for us so stay low and only get what's needed “ he had spoke to his daughter and the toad. Cade sat looking at the blue prints of the place when tessa dumped a bag on his table. He frowned seeing mouth wash “ I said the accentails” he spoke. Tessa rolled her eyes “ it wasn't easy we almost got caught “ she spoke. Cade gave her the look “ your forgetting who taught you how to steal “ he spoke. He froze when his daughter blushed looking at twinkle fucking toes. Cade turned to him eyes flashing “ you brought mouth wash?”. Shane smirked “ I like to be fresh when I'm making out with your daugh Fuck “ the seat Shane was sitting on ripped in half below him making him falling back into the floor just as Cade threw the bottle of green shit Bee laughing as he did. He turned to them eyes white rimmed “ that's not happening ever “ he growled and went to make a drink. 

Optimus watched from the far wall with amusement leaning back servos crossed just as his little charge came over steering some liquid substance in a glass cup and took a seat. “ Hey there's no smooching in front of me “ Cade barked. Optimus chuckled lightly optics lighting up as cade turned to him “ no respect it's impossible sometimes”. Optimus let out a low huff at that and turned to Cade “ yeah, I went through that with Bumblebee” he spoke and turned hiding a smile hearing Cades laughter it was smoothing on the audios. 

Cade sighed looking at the wall on the far side of the building he hasn't done this in for ever. His eyes went white before his disappeared into the walls of KSI bonding with the metal 

“ Cade “ Optimus frowned only to growl worry as the human disappeared before his eyes “ Cade?!” He barked “ easy big guy” cades voice spoke through their audios “ Cade? Wear are you “ he asked “ I am everywhere” his human spoke. Optimus paused at that “ I do not understand “ he froze when Cade popped out of the walls optics white “ beautiful “ Optimus rasped seeing his human like this it was thrilling in a way. 

Cade walked over “ I found Ratchet, Op” Cade gave a sad look “ there tearing him apart “ he spoke softly. With a yellow of surprise Cade backed up as Optimus roared in rage “ they murder ratchet I'll tear them apart”. Cade gasped getting grabbed and placed inside of the primes cab. 

Cade leaped using his magic to absorb into the metal floor as Optimus transformed. Using his abilities Cade began destroying machines all of it “ Stop That Is Government technology ” shouted a man. Cade yelped as Optimus roared kicking something towards the man “ We are not your technology”. 

Optimus growled and pointed “ they were my friend's” Optimus vented smoke. “ Don't you understand we don't need you not anymore” spoke the bastard spoke. 

Cade moved and up and landed on Optimus shoulder “ then we don't need you or your bullshit inventions” Cade glared and raised a hand “ Wait What the Fuck “ shouted the man. Cade began ripping everything destroying it “ time to move Optimus I have building to shrink “ he smiled. 

Optimus looked at Cade and nodded “ Autobots were done” he growled leaving the building. Cade turned back raising his hands eyes glowing brightly his body turning a little Grey. Optimus froze in awe as the giant structure began shrinking and busting. He turned to Cade Optics wide “ You are extraordinary Cade Yeager “ he spoke before transforming placing Cade in his cab and took off. 

Cade laughed landing in Optimus driver seat “ woah” he leaned back “ a little warning big guy “ he chuckled patting the wheel.

Optimus chuckled putting a seat belt around the man “ we shall see Cade “ he teased a bit and enjoyed his reward as the humans cheeks turned a bit red. 

Cade went to speak only yelp when a missiles were shot at them “ what the hell “ Cade spoke looking out and gapped seeing a truck comimg after them “ Optimus we got trouble “ he spoke “ how many damn companies does KSI own “ he snapped. 

Optimus drove faster before transforming throwing Cade out of his cab he slid before looking up and glared his mouth guard snapping on. 

Cade flushed looking up at holy shit that was kinda hot. Cade jerked quickly moving away from the battle and froze seeing a massive ship “ Optimus!” He shouted seeing the prime go down in pain. Cade froze and went to rush over to help his friend. 

Optimus groaned laying back on a car he jerked hearing loud taps “ Cade no” he barked to his human who froze “ stay back “. 

Cade frowned and dove back into the Fields he froze watching as the bot lockdown spoke to Optimus before sending up Cade rushed out “ Cade Call The Autobots “ shout the prime. Cade glared coldly eyes flashing and turned to the bot that took his prime as it entered its little Kingdom he was getting his prime back. 

Cade x Optimus prime one shots Where stories live. Discover now