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First Line: Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think I heard you say that you loved me. It was a little thing, something I said in passing while we were arguing about something else. But it stuck with me and now, hours later as I lay in bed thinking about what you could have possibly meant by those 3 little words, they're all dancing around my head like a disco ball.

Crazy right? But it's the truth and it's making all of this so much harder then it has to be. You're the one who told me that love is something that can change, who said that sometimes we don't know what we have until we lose it. Now here I am questioning whether or not what we had was real in the first place. If only things were simple...but they're not and nothing ever is. So maybe I'm mistaken and maybe you never meant those 3 little words at all, but even if that's the case- even if you do hate me- at least I'll know for sure that I loved myself enough to try and make things work between us anyways.

Second Line: It had been a month since the first time he had uttered those words to her and they had become a mantra in their relationship. She tried reasoning with him, telling him it was only a pattern and that he should stop, but his persistence was starting to wear on her. It wasn't like she didn't know it wasn't really hurting him when he did it, but after all this time she just couldn't help but be drawn in by the way it made her feel.

At first she would try fighting against the urge to cuddle up close to him each time he said it, but eventually she gave up and melted into his side. Sometimes she would even fall asleep with those words muttered softly against her skin, not ever actually believing that they could actuallystick. But somehow they did and now no matter how many times she told him how demeaning it was to keep saying the same thing over and over again, he just kept doing it anyways.

First Line of the Chorus: It had been a hard year. Jill had lost her job, and with it, her apartment. She was sleeping on the floor in a friends' spare bedroom and didn't have anywhere to go when she got evicted from her previous abode. Her friends had all gone their separate ways, leaving Jill plenty of time to dwell on the past. She spent hours replaying their old conversations in her head, trying to figure out what could have changed between them that made them drift apart so dramatically.

One night, Jill slept through until morning before finally mustering up the courage to call one of her old friends. After several failed attempts at reaching them by phone, she left a voicemail imploring them to meet up with her for drinks later that week. When four days passed without any response from her friend, Jill became concerned and texted him to make sure he was okay. To Jills horror, she received back a response notifying her that he had moved continents and they would never be able to see each other again- regardless of how much they might have wanted too. It was simultaneously mortifying and heartbreaking to realize how easily everything could have been different if only they'd taken the time to communicate more fluently in the past year...

Second Line of the Chorus: It always starts the same way. You feel a dull ache growing in your chest as soon as you catch a whiff of her perfume or see her walk by. Maybe it's just the fact that she's already occupied your thoughts for the day, or maybe it's something more subconscious, but before you know it, you're moping around and dwelling on the past.

For me, it all started with our first encounter. She was new to our school and everything about her caught my eye. I was immediately drawn to how determined she looked and how much life refused to be kind to her. It didn't take long for us to start talking and from there things only got harder. We were both constantly moving, too busy chasing our dreams to ever really give ourselves a chance. But even when we weren't together, I could feel the heat of her anger burning in my mind whenever we were close enough for me to catch a glimpse of her eyes... or worse yet hear her voice say my name softly in sleep.

The years went by and eventually we graduated high school—two different paths lay ahead of us now that we were no longer bound by circumstances. It killed me every time I saw her name light up on my phone when I got an email from one of my old classmates, but eventually enough time passed that pride forced me into making the first move despite still being overwhelmingly afraid she'd reject me again like always.

Last Line: I had never noticed her eyes before, but now I couldn't take my eyes off of them. The vibrant green light they emit lit up the room, and it was as if they were sucking the life out of me.

I had been watching her for weeks now and I just couldn't help myself. Her beauty captivated me, even though I shouldn't have been able to with how plain she looked. But somehow, her lack of makeup only made her seem more approachable.

It was difficult to ignore the way that she constantly caught my attention with those beautiful eyes. No matter where we were or what we were doing, I could always feel her gaze on me and it made me feel uncomfortable. It felt like she was looking into my soul and revealing all of mysecrets to her without ever having to say a word.

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