I need a hero

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----------Wanda's POV----

Every night before bedtime father called him down.. I never knew why. I just heard him pled for help. I wanted to I out there and help him, but I couldn't. I did that once and father blamed it on him. After he told me to go back in my room and go to sleep. I could see a tear run down Pietro's face. I left out of fear and sat in his bed. Waiting. Hoping. Praying. For my brother to return. He always did. He would wipe his eye just outside of the doorway so I couldn't see. I did. But I never told him that. He would come in limping. "Can I help?" I asked. "Help with what?" He said with a fake smile on his face. "With anything." "No, I don't need help. I need sleep sis." okay, do you want to start?" "sure." He replied. He got on his bed and held my hands. We closed are eyes and began to say. "We were born together, we will die together. Twins forever." We let go and then went to sleep. I could hear the sounds of his weeps. I got up and said "scoot over." he did and I hopped into bed and started to sing to him "Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? Where's the street wise Hercules fighting the rising all odds. Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed. Late at night I toss and turn and dream of what I need. I need a hero. I'm holding out for hero until the morning light. He's got to be strong, he's got to be fast, and he's got to be fresh out of the fight." His crying eased as he fell asleep. "Sweet dreams my prince in silver armor." "Good night my scarlet witch."

-----Pietro's POV------
When father called me out, I was shaking. I wanted to run. But he can't know about me and Wanda's powers. I would be safe, but she can't control hers. "I feel it running through my vains." She would cry. "Pietro, I'm scared.." I would try to help but she would flinch and say "no, don't touch me. I'll hurt you!" I would look in her eyes and say "you'll never hurt me." As father grabbed my arm and told Wanda to go to sleep. A tear shed from my eye in fear. She saw so I looked away. She left and he began. He slapped me. He kicked me. He told me I wasn't a real man. He would spit in my face. I cried for help as he beat me harder and harder it felt like. He finally said "were done here." He let go of my hand and it felt like I was free. But I wasn't. There was still tomorrow night. I went to my room. But out side of the doorway I wiped my tears so she wouldn't see. I walked in trying not to show how much I was hurting. She asked if I needed help. I replied "with what?" She said with anything. I tied to say yes... But some how the words came out as "no, I just need to sleep." She nodded and we got on my bed and held hands. "We were born together, we will die together. Twins forever." She kissed my on my forehead and she got in her bed. I started to cry. I didn't mean for it to be loud enough to be herd. But she heard and she came by my bed an told me to scoot. I did and she hopped in. She started to sing the song our mother sang to us, that was before she died. She finished and said, "Sweet dreams my prince in silver armor." And I replied " Good night my scarlet witch."

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