Chapter 11 - Painful memories

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"It was a beautiful crisp day at the end of September, I had some problem breaking-in in my satin pink pointe shoes. Normally, I scratch the soles, crack them and sew on the laces with around 10 stitches each but today I was a bit late and my male partner for the upcoming opera was not having it. So, instead of doing it like I normally would I just did my best, not really knowing how well the laces were sewn.

Practice started like normal, warming up each set of muscles, stretching out the top of my feet, flexing and pointing. Easy pliés, 1st to 2nd position. Nothing seemed wrong, until everything went wrong. After doing five fouettés turns and a chasse it was time for a lift and small toss with my partner.

When I landed, one of the laces on my right shoe must have come loose because when I was supposed to go up on my toes to do an arabesque my ankle caved in underneath my body. All the weight that was at the front, one arm and slightly leaning forward was to much for my ligaments. It felt excruciating, that pain, combined with seeing my foot in that unnatural position made me loose consciousness. I woke up at the hospital after surgery with the news that I could never dance ballet at a professional level again so I went to my other, then sleeping passion. Art. That and Emma really saved me from loosing myself.. But I still miss it, every day.."

I look over at Hobi, tears slowly running down his cheeks. For the last hours we laid on his bed and talked. I finally opened up to someone about my past life, being a professional dancer.

"Y/N, I am so sorry, I can't even imagine the loss you must feel..." He cups my cheek and I relax into his hand.

"I miss it, not only the dancing but the freedom of being able to trust and move my body."

He gently pulls me into his arms and lifts up my head to give me the most sincere and loving kiss that I have ever received. Softly gracing my lips with his.

I don't know if its because of his manner or the way he always listens so intensely...

I feel so safe in his embrace..

I close my eyes and drift of to sleep, listening to Hobi humming blue side, closely to my ear.


A sliver of sunlight on my forehead wakes me up from my beauty sleep, making me scrunch up my face while trying to adjust my eyes. I wonder what time it is?

I look to my right and watch in awe at the man sleeping beside me. His black hair has grown a bit longer, slightly wrapping around his ears. He looks so serene, laying beside me still with one arm still wrapped around my waist.

I scoot a bit closer while staring at his lips, that heart shaped mouth of his, wanting nothing more than to kiss him. I slowly lift my hand and cup his cheek, lovingly caressing him as I gently place a small peck on the birthmark resting on his upper lip. As soon as my lips depart from him and I reopen my eyes, his dark ones bolts right open. "And what do you think you're doing!?"

I look back at him, a little surprised but giving him a big smile. "Just giving you a little good morning kiss, but if you don't want it..."

I tease and squirm to get out of of his hold and go to the bathroom but he wont have it. I giggle as he pulls me back into bed with full force, now wrapping his arms around my waist he starts to nuzzle his face in my hair. "I'm not letting you go anywhere!"

Hoseok pulls my hair to the side and starts to teasingly kiss the back of my neck, making me shudder at his touch and let out a soft moan.

"Ahh! How am I ever going to be able to leave this country if you do things like this?" I can almost hear him smiling as he continues down to kiss me on my shoulder, pulling down one shoulder strap to get better access. "Hobi?... You.. uhm... breakfast..."

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