Chapter 27 - Hello, This is BigHit

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Jungkook's POV:

Jimin is banging on Hope's door like a crazy person. "HYUNG OPEN THE DOOR!? WHY WON'T YOU ANSWER YOU PHONE!?"

Since the moment I managed to get the guys up from my couch, our phones have been going off like crazy.

"YOUR NOONA IS CALLING, YAH!!!!" I look around to scan the hallway, afraid that Tae's deep voice is disturbing the other tenants.

"Holy CRAP!"

I almost fall to the floor when the door flings open. The surprise however, is not the door itself but my older brother standing there in his underwear, face bright red and hair poking out in all directions..

He looks at us with furious eyes. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?"

Oh, I'm done for. I don't think I'll ever let this go.

Neither Is Jimin by the looks of it. He lost all the color in his face and his eyes are now in the shape of golf balls.

I try to find my bearing but nothing scares me more than Hobi-hyung being angry. "N-Noona, Joon, Yoongi, SungDeuk and the whole team is trying to reach you..." I stutter on the words, mindful that he might pull out the baseball bat again.

Jimin does not seem bothered and snaps back. "We can see that... uhm... you and Y/N are, busy... or did you finish?"

I bend to the side and try to get a peek into the apartment but I can't see anything.

"What the hell are you looking for!?" Hoseok moves to cover the view into his apartment.

I choke. "J-Just wanted to see noona."

Taehyung takes a few steps back and turns around. "Let's just leave them alone..."

"AISH!! I moved out to get some distance from you... Wait here-" But Jimin just barges in and plops his unbothered ass on the couch with his hands over his head.

Hyung marches over to Jimin and pulls at his shirt. "Jimin, I love you dearly but right now I desperately need you to leave!"

Hoseok twists and turns while looking at us with panic in his eyes, pointing towards the kitchen.

Jimin laughs in spite. "Oh, and why is that hyung?"

A familiar female voice cuts the tension "Uhm, guys... would you mind waiting outside for a few seconds?"

Me and Tae are still standing in the doorway and when I look over to the kitchen I can see her head peeking up from behind the counters next to the sink.

I turn my gaze towards the ceiling so fast that my neck almost snaps and my face must be shining so bright of embarrassment because I almost trip while turning around. "Noona, I'm so sorry! SO SORRY!!" I yell as I run for my life.

Taehyung barks at Jimin. "COME ON!!"

Jimin runs as quickly as his legs can carry through the living room and jumps out of the apartment not looking back. The door slams shut and all we can do is hear our very angry friend on the other side.

"I'm so sorry about them. Are you okay?"

"A little bit embarrassed, but it's fine. You know what this means right?"

"Yes, are you prepared for all this?"

"No, not really but I'm not going anywhere."

Y/N's POV:

The boys caught us by surprise but I figure that the bubble had to burst anyway, better deal with this now than dragging it out.

I run to the bedroom to throw on some clothes while Hobi rushes to get his phone. He stares at it for a while and let's out a long and deep breath. "Well it's out there now. Miss Leigh, you are officially dating J-Hope of BTS."

Airplane | J-Hope x reader | Adult + 18! | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now