Ch.13 "Trust?"

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Hey, I'm so sorry for not uploading in like a month 😭 I went on vacation and then I had to catch up on school work 😭😭 so to make up for that I will be posting a long chapter :))

- Author


"Sirius let me help you with that" I said trying to grab the box Sirius was carrying (of course he was struggling since he had just finished his therapy but Sirius is stubborn)

"No! I got it moony!" He says and still struggling carrys the box of his belongings up the stairs to our flat.

It has been a month since the incident with Sirius and Regulus's parents. Sirius had to go to therapy for his mental and physical health. He had a hard time walking and speaking after the event. He still has nightmares from time to time but not as much as before. I still worry for him, he says he's fine but he wakes up in a cold sweat sobbing. I'm scared that he doesn't trust me, maybe not anymore. He hasn't opened up and he puts a fake smile everytime we hang out with the others, but when he comes home he's silent. I see through his smile but he won't let me in.

Once he is done putting his stuff inside our flat. He comes into the kitchen where I'm making some food.

"What Are you making moons?" He asks

"Oh nothing special just some pasta" I say adding the ingredients of my special sauce into the pan.

"Mhmm smells good" He says and then walks away

I sigh. Somethings up everytime I'm cooking he hugs my from behind and gets a taste of whatever I'm making.

I turn off the stove and walk into our room, Sirius was unpacking his things

"Sirius what the fuck is going on with you?" I ask and he looks at me weirdly

"Don't act dumb! You have been distant and shaky! I have been nothing but patient but will you tell me what the fuck is going in with you!" I yell at him tears forming in my eyes after everything we've been through I thought he could trust me.

"Nothings wrong" he says not looking at me

"Bloody fucking hell Sirius! You know what I'm going to stay at James for a bit so I can calm down I'll be back later, dinner is on the stove" I say and grab my coat and storm out

"REMUS!" Is the last thing I hear before closing the front door and racing to my car. The tears didn't stop. How could he not trust me to tell me something thats bothering him?!! We are a couple! I love him but how can I be in love with someone who doesn't trust me! I drive to James'd house tear stains on my cheek, he opened the door and looked worried.

"Remus? What are you doing here did something happen to Sirius?" He asks letting me in

"No he's fine I just need to calm down and talk to you" I say and he goes to the kitchen I sit on the couch. James comes back with tea and a few biscuits.

"I'm sorry for coming here without notice I should have called before." I say

"No no, it's fine I wasn't doing anything. Reg had left to go hang with Marlene and Mary the three have gotten pretty close" He smiles then gets serious

"Why are you here?"

"It's just after. . . That, Sirius has been different. He has nightmares but doesn't tell me what happened. Then he acts distant at home and I'm worried. I know he's been through a lot but if he trusted me he would tell me. . . And then he just lied straight to my face. I don't know what to do anymore. I can't help him if he doesn't trust me! James what if he doesn't trust me anymore? Did I do anything wrong??" By that point I was sobbing again

"Hey hey heh, it's alright! Sirius loves you ok. And whatever he's been going through and not telling you has nothing to do with not trusting you. He trust you with his life. Ok. But it's hard. The same thing happened with Regulus. He wouldn't open up and put a fake smile for everyone else. You just need to show Sirius that you're there for him and just wait until he wants to tell you." James says rubbing my back

"I've tried James!" I say still sobbing

"I know you have. But you just have to be patient with him" James says trying his hardest to calm me down

"James you don't understand he's been like this for a month! What if he lost feelings for me and is just scared to tell me? What-" I sob, thats impossible Sirius can't


"JAMES WHAT IF HE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE?! What if it was just a. . . A phase and he is scared! JAMES WHAT WOULD I DO IF I LOSE HIM" I yell into James's shirt

"Thats impossible. Sirius loves you more then anything ok! Don't you lose hope on him ok! And don't lose hope in eachother. Go back home Remus" James soothes

I nod and stand up

"Thank you" I say

"Don't thank me" he says and give me a hug and I leave the house

I get in my car and take a deep breath

Once I got home, I see sirius on the couch looking frantic. Once he saw me he stood up and ran to me hugging me.

"You didn't pick up your cell and- and I thought you wouldn't come back" he says letting me go once he realizes that I wasn't hugging back.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, I'll take a shower" I say walking past him but he grabs my wrist.

"No! I need to apologize and explain to you whats wrong" he says

"Sirius it's fine if you don't want to talk to me about it. . . If you don't trust me anymore just tell me ok" I say looking at the ground tears threatening to fall again.


"You don't love me anymore? It's ok Sirius I won't be upset I want you to be happy thats all I ever wanted and if leaving me is what it takes for you to be happy I'll do it for you" I say pushing back sobs

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