Mudspot's POV

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She walked into ShadowClan territory. She saw a cat with an interesting fur pattern. The cat was DeadStar. The friendly leader of ShadowClan who got along with pretty much every cat in all the clans.

"Hello Mudspot." He said to her. Mudspot looked at the fur she was holding in her paws. It couldn't be him. Perhaps he had a sibling?? He had  spiky fur as if he was more energetic than normal.

"Do you have a sibling???" She asked the friendly cat.

"Yes, yes I do. Well I did, before I had to exile him." DeadStar said.

"Why was he exiled?" She asked him. DeadStar sighed.

"Murder." He answered. Mudspot got the answer she wanted. "I see, well I'll leave your clan in peace." She said as she left.

Mudspot (a warrior cats fanfic also check desc PLEASE) Where stories live. Discover now