Stonestripe's mission.

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Mudspot ran back to her clan. Stonestripe looked at her. "Hello." He said to her. Mudspot looked at him. "I'm sorry for leaving." She said to him. Stonestripe glared at her. "Let's talk please!!" She begged. Stonestripe sighed. "Fine!" He said to her.

    ----once they got to a place that they could talk in private---

"Stonestripe...please listen to me.." she said. Stonestripe sat down.

"Yea I'm listening." He said. Mudspot took a deep inhale.

"I want you to track down the killer at the next meeting and then follow him back and kill him. He had an interesting ear marking." She said to him. Stonestripe's eyes widened.

How could she know...that he wants to avenge his father's death!??

Mudspot's voice became cold. "I want that killer dead as much as you want to. But once we find him we will tell Meadowstar. I don't think DeadStar was honest. I'll even talk to Minkbreeze." She said.

Stonestripe couldn't believe it, his own mother is only bonding with him just because they both want the killer found and murdered!?? Stonestripe's head began to hurt. "Mother...ARE YOU INSANE!?? You come to talk to me after moons of acting like I don't exist, only to give me a mission of finding my dad's killer!??" Stonestripe was getting angry. Mudspot took her paw and hit him. "You may not forgive me which is fine, but don't use that tone around me." She said. Stonestripe ran to one other cat he could trust.  SnowyRose. A sweet she-cat who once was a kittypet. SnowyRose looked at Stonestripe. "Yes?" She asked him. Stonestripe told her everything. SnowyRose comforted him. She loved him and he loved her. SnowyRose licked his cheek. Stonestripe buried his face in her fur. SnowyRose smiled. "Aww you're adorable!" She said to him. Stonestripe purred. Mudspot walked to the warriors' den and fell asleep.

Mudspot (a warrior cats fanfic also check desc PLEASE) Where stories live. Discover now