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Once everyone from Thunderclan were walking back they saw Mudspot's body on the road and skid marks follow behind a monster and the two legs inside as well are dead. Pixiefeather walked up to her dead mother and mourned and Stonestripe rolled his eyes. "She's dead, get over it Pixiefeather." He said to her. Pixiefeather hung her head as she walked home with her clan. Thunderclaw stood beside his sister and so did Blackstripe, While EchoFlame was behind her. Pixiefeather noticed what was happening and ran up to SnowyRose. SnowyRose nodded her head. Pixiefeather sighed. This day would be tough on her.

The next day it began to pour. The grief that was added into Pixiefeather's heart was making her feel even more in pain. She wasn't able to sleep that night so she took it upon herself to talk to Meadowstar that very morning.

"MeadowStar!" She called for her. Meadowstar walked out. "Yes Pixiefeather are you ok?" She worriedly asked the exhausted she-cat.

Pixiefeather looked like she was done being filled with grief and sorrow. Pixiefeather's eyes filled with sadness. MeadowStar comforted her. "You must go on patrol. I'm sorry but you must get through the pain." She said to the ginger she-cat. Pixiefeather ran to the hunting grounds with EchoFlame. EchoFlame slowly walked towards her.

"My love, are you ok?" He asked her looking worried, Pixiefeather ran up to him and cried. "I can't do this any longer..." She whispered.

EchoFlame kissed her. "Please..don't leave me. I know how you feel and you will see your father in StarClan." He comforted her.

He's been there for her all this time. Stonestripe walked up behind her. "Stop grieving! Mudspot avenged our father's death! By killing DeadStar and I'll admit he was brave at first killing our father but during that first gathering we went to it was pretty clear he lost that bravery." Stonestripe's look on his face as he spoke made Pixiefeather's eyes widen with shock. "W-What..?" She asked him. Stonestripe sighed in annoyance.

"Look Pixiefeather, our mother!!? She was evil!!! She told me to kill DeadStar!! Then once I couldn't fulfill her mission. She killed him, herself!" He explained to his shocked sister.

"N-no..NO THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT!!!" Pixiefeather yelled. EchoFlame stepped Infront of her. "Stonestripe.. explain more to me later." He said to Stonestripe.

A/N note

Sorry that this was long lol

Mudspot (a warrior cats fanfic also check desc PLEASE) Where stories live. Discover now