Meet the team

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"Everyone, please meet Agent Katherine Roy, as you know, she's joining our team in the BAU and has proven to be very, ...good" Prentiss said as she hesitated on the last word.

The people around the round table had little smiles as they looked at both women standing in front of them but with heavy eyelids from the "night" before.

"I think you've all been able to make acquaintances yesterday except for Garcia" She said as she looked at a blonde who had entered the room.                   

"Hi!" The new face said. "I'm Penelope Garcia, but you can call me whatever you want love. I'm the tech analysis girl" she said with a big smile. Her sunny expression contrasted with the women in front of her, who looked quite plain and dark. The "sad" looking women gave a little smile. Garcia felt the awkwardness oozing out of the interaction and sat down next to Morgan.

"This an official introduction with all the team, so please if you want, the floor is yours" Emily said and sat down.

The women looked around to see all eye on her. She took a seat and placed herself comfortably and crossed her hands together on the table. She took a big breath and started her introduction.

"My name is Katherine Roy, not with a C but with an K.  I come off as rude, cold, and distant. I'm sorry for that in advance. I'm aware of the constant awkwardness it brings to those around me" she said and looked at Garcia "I lie, often, when I don't want to do something" she said and looked at Reid. "I'm not a germaphobe, I lied. Physical touch is not something I do casually if I can avoid it" and she looked at JJ "I don't drink coffee, that is the truth" She then looked at her boss "I'm organized, direct, a hard worker, precise but sometimes messy" she looked back at the team. "I might seem off, but that's normal with me. I usually speak my mind. If I say something rude or uncomfortable, please interrupt me, I don't get offended easily. Profilers are profilers, so please, I don't mind any curiosity. Tell me anything on your mind and I will answer any questions about me with my best capabilities"  She looked around.

"Questions?" She than asked.

"Why'd you join the BAU?" Morgan asked. Everyone was still looking at her, all interested.       

"Well, I've studied everything on crimes, victims, sexual crimes, psychopaths, and homicides, I'm good with words and have great skills of observation. Why not put it to use?" She simply said and looked around for another question.                                                                                               

" Do you really have 3 PhD's ?" Spencer asked with a slight fright, waiting to find out if his intellect could be challenged.
                                                                                   "No, that was a lie" She looked at Spencer and opened her mouth to say something more but thinking about it, decided not to share.   
                                                                                   "What's your favorite color?" Garcia asked to lighten the deep questions.       

"Purple" She gave her a smile "Just like my earrings" she added as she tucked the hair on the left side of her face to reveal a simple dangling earring composed of a bright purple diamond. 

"Oh, wow, that's beautiful" Garcia said as she took a hand to her heart and gazed across the table.     "Thank you" Katherine said and looked around again.

No one had any other question which seemed normal, no one knew anything about her to even question her about. Introductions are simply a form of gallantry.

"Great, so we have paperwork from last nights case. Reid, could you show Roy the details, you like this so might as well" Emily said as stood up and everyone followed.

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