I want the truth

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"Metastatic Adenocarcinoma,....it's-"

"I know what it is,.... what stage?" Katherine asked

Alone, finally together, Katherine and Elizabeth would have a real conversation after 5 years of no contact.

Both of them were sat in a chair, resting.
Resting their bodies as the conversation they were going to have would drain the energy out of them.

Katherine watched as Elizabeth gazed into her eyes. Her eyes weren't watery, but you could tell there was nothing but sadness behind them, she had excepted her fate.

"What stage, Elizabeth?" Katherine asked again. This time using her name.

Elizabeth gave her a smile, she had used her real name, she was glad, even thought it hurt her to tell the truth.


The silence was dominant.

They could only hear their breaths. Katherine hated that fact that she knew what it could mean. If only she was oblivious.

She didnt want to ask.  

"In time, I have-" but before Elizabeth told her how much time she had left, Katherine stopped her, raising her hand in front of her. She looked at the women she had loved before, this was hard.

"I want the truth, I do....but not this,...dont tell me" Katherine asked her.

Elizabeth shook her head in agreement. She dried her tears and took a deep breath. She masked her sadness with a smile. She sighed,
"Pff.......where do even I begin?" she said as she stroked her arms, calming herself.  

Katherine only saw an eclipse. Pieces and strands of her past with Laura, the plant shop owner she fell in love with.


"So, you have a name figured out yet? For the shop?" Katherine asked as she took a sip of her coffee. Even though she had put lots of cream and sugar, it still just tasted like coffee. But she had ordered it, so how could she complain about the taste. She made a small grimace before putting on a smile.

"Umm, I'm not sure, probably the name of a plant I'll be selling, it's easier to grasps the concept that way" Elizabeth said as she took a sip of her coffee.

After helping her with her boxes, days later, Elizabeth had invited Katherine for a coffee.

"Oh, I was wondering the other day, you said plant shop, so no flowers, correct?"

"Thats right, no flowers, it's not in my plans... Also, why do you drink coffee? Your face says it definitely tastes like shit"

Both women started laughing


"I didnt plan on staying this long,....I didnt plan on,..having such a great time with you..." Elizabeth confessed as Katherine listened to her.


"Im scared" Katherine said as she was walked forwards, blindfolded.

"Dont, you'll love it" Elizabeth said as she guided Katherine by the shoulders.

After a month of preparation, Laura, the plant shop owner, would open her doors. She had refused Katherine's help to decorate the interior because she had made something special.

"Ok, 3, 2, 1....." Elizabeth said as she took the blindfold off from Katherine's eyes.

When she opened her eyes, Katherine could only see the abundance shades of green. Exposed by all the different types of plants, they were presented on the floor, hanged on the walls and from the ceiling. The walls were painted a sweet pale lavender and the accessories, stool, chairs, desks were made of oak wood. Katherine smiled as she looked everywhere. She had'nt even noticed something important yet.

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