A daydream

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-Heart beats-

On the hospital bed, Emily stayed sat in her chair ever since the moment she came in.

Her hands wrapped around hers, she kept waiting for her to wake up or to wake up herself from this nightmare.

Alone together in the room, only the monitor machine was distracting Emily from checking Katherine's breath, every inhale and exhale.

Her tears we gone, at least the most of them. Her hair still in a ponytail she put her forehead on the back of her lovers hand.

Whispering to herself, words of courage and of love she then placed a kiss. Stained uniform and blood on her knees, Emily did not take a breath to think about herself.

The team members were consulting with the nurses and doctors about the state of their college. Spencer asked so many questions, analyzing every sentence given.

As she looked at her for the last time, she admired her face, her perfect eyebrows and her plump lips. She stroked her hair, gently, to not hurt her.

"Wait.." She said to herself, but then harder with a sore throat, "Wait!"

She looked again; she wasn't injured on bleeding. The blood on the floor was old, from her other previous injury. Emily had just been in such a shock she didn't see properly.

She only saw blood and nothing else. As the others came in closer, she put her head on her chest and prayed for the first time in many years, hoping she wasn't wrong this time, that her own judgment wasn't playing tricks on her.

-Heart beats-



Interrupted by the members coming back into the hospital room, Emily let go of her hand and waited to be told the news.

"She..." Reid tried to start but couldn't.

Morgan and JJ put theirs hands on his shoulder.

"She'll be fine, there wasn't a bullet in the gun, it was blank. They found the bullets in her bag and her badge in the trash next to the elevator. But the shockwave of the gun fired made her unconscious." Morgan then said.

Hearing the news, Emily was glad, she could finally be more at ease. She had assurance she wouldn't die.

JJ approached Emily and sat next to her, putting her hand on hers on the hand rest, she seemed hesitant.
"The doctors don't know if she's going to wake up" She said in the most gentle way possible.

Emily took her hand from JJ and put them on her face, hiding her grimace to the second news. She had a migraine, anxiety, adrenaline, sadness all at once ever since the beginning. 

But she was the Unit Chief. She had already given up her role when she entered the room to save Katherine. Her reaction was beyond her control as she had let everything go when she thought she lost her.

She took a second to try and redeem the last courage and discipline she had left and took a deep sigh.

"What exactly are the chances?" She asked as she looked a Reid. But she knew. If he had calculated a better outcome, he wouldn't be so silent.

"Less than 1%"

She took a big breath to calm down, relax.

She had no words.

She only looked at the unconscious women on the bed next to her.

"Its okay" JJ said.

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