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seeing chishiya's smile, his real smile, was like feeling the warmth of the sun for the first time. you didn't care that your body trembled uncontrollably from the cold water you'd been drenched in, nor the dull ache of your limbs from being thrown around. it didn't matter because he was there, shivering just as violently, his lips parted and his cheeks flushed the same color as the sunset. if you were in a joking mood, and if your voice worked the way you wanted it to, you would've pointed out how he resembled an agitated cat left out in the rain. but for the time being, all you could do was stare, drinking him in, immensely grateful that your time with the man had not ended yet.

like the moon casting over the sun a dark figure washed away the yellow light above your bodies, reflecting shadows across chishiya's face and prompting you to glance up. your eyes squinted against the harsh light behind the person's frame, fighting away the fatigue and the unrelenting need to swallow as much air as possible. aoto's friendly smile greeted you, clapping their hands together in slow, thundering movements.

"congratulations! you've successfully escaped the room!" they performed one final clap before dropping their hands, lowering their voice to a softer, almost sadder, tone, "looks like it's game over for me."

game over? you echoed, confused. it hit you a second later, your eyes widening at their words, recalling what chishiya had told you just mere moments ago. did that mean this person would meet the same fate as those unfortunate players you came across on the way here? the same one you almost succumbed to before your escape? were they going to...

you shakily pushed yourself up to rest on your forearms, staring at aoto with a feeling akin to despair. they had created this game with the intention for you to die, you knew that, but you refused to accept the fact that this game was all aoto amounted to. they were different from mira. you could see the dark, sunken circles beneath their eyes, the haunted expression etched so deeply into their features it was a permanent part of them now. aoto felt guilty. about the players they'd killed, or something attached to you, it was impossible to tell. but in some sick, twisted way, they had wanted you to win so they could die.

your voice was thick with emotion when you finally spoke, cracked along the edges as you fought back the tears building in the corners of your eyes, "what happens to you now?"

a flash of surprise crossed over their features, but it was gone just as quickly as it appeared. they recollected themselves with the grace of a swan, making a show of tapping their fingers against their chin in deep thought, "well, i suppose it's time for me to go. all shows must come to an end at some point." aoto shrugged, as if the concept of death were merely a speck of dust to brush over.

you're lying. stop lying, you pleaded. they were scared. they had to be. everyone was afraid of death. but aoto simply smiled, turning around and allowing the click of their shoes to echo in the building as they walked. their extravagant coat billowed behind them, their hair bouncing with their exaggerated movements. they were so carefree you almost believed them. but you couldn't accept such an answer, not when...when...

"wait!" you shouted, finding the strength to pull your body up to rest on your knees. aoto paused, glancing over their shoulder and granting you a curious glance. you breathed heavily, opening and closing your mouth several times as you tried to find the words to the millions of questions in your head, " know me, don't you?"

aoto's surprise returned, strengthened by the raise of their eyebrows and the parting of their lips. eventually, however, the expression disappeared, replaced by the show worthy smile they've worn the entire time you've known them. their hands disappeared into their pocket, returning with a small, worn-out photo that they extended towards your figure, "i think this belongs to you."

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