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Tangerine had never met someone as goddamn infuriating and entitled as the White Death's youngest daughter

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Tangerine had never met someone as goddamn infuriating and entitled as the White Death's youngest daughter. Lemon seemed to like her well enough, but then again, she wasn't making snide comments that both complimented his appearance while also demeaning him in some way. When she finally fell asleep on her brother's shoulder halfway to the Tokyo station, he sighed in relief and finally relaxed for the remainder of the drive.

"Finally," Lemon had said, resting his head against the seat. "I was getting tired of the flirting."

"We were not flirting," his brother denied with a scowl on his face. "Me? Flirt with her? You're off your rocker, you are."

Lemon cut his eyes to Tangerine knowingly, and his brother's shoulders dropped. Yeah, perhaps a few of his rude comebacks toward Kliment had a couple of ungentlemanly propositions and remarks, but he couldn't seem to help himself. Typically, Tangerine liked to be well-behaved around proper young ladies, but she was anything but proper with the way she ran her mouth.

"I don't blame you — she is your type, but she's also the assignment," he reminded him.

"She is not my type," Tangerine denied even though she was. Smaller than him, blonde, gorgeous. But she was also hard to control with a bratty side, and he never did well with things he couldn't control. "And she's a fuckin' baby, Lemon. I could almost be her father."

"Not father. Perhaps a creepy uncle," Lemon joked with a pleased smirk on his face. "Seriously, though, when she wakes up, cut it out with the tension. Can't go wettin' your prick with the big guy's daughter. It's unprofessional."

Tangerine had to refrain from snapping about him and unprofessionalism given he was the one that was always bringing up a children's show every chance he could. Instead, he glanced in the rearview mirror once again, his eyes landing on the girl sleeping in the back rather than on the pavement.

Kliment didn't look nearly as annoying with her head on her unconscious brother's shoulder, her lips parted not to spout snarky comments for once. He couldn't let himself get caught up in how pretty he thought she was, though, and Tangerine let his eyes fall back on the road ahead.

Those two in the back seat, in addition to the briefcase in the trunk, were going to pay so much that he and Lemon could quite literally never work another job in their lives and still be millionaires when they died after years of spending it. But the money wasn't even the biggest thing. The White Death was their father. If they fucked up this assignment, they were as good as dead.

It was a good thing that the White Death had all the train stations in Japan under his thumb, or Tangerine and Lemon never would've made it through security with their weapons — or a passed-out Vasili thrown over Lemon's shoulder. And once they found their seats on the bullet train, it was easy enough for people to believe that he was sleeping rather than unconscious.

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