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The man they were searching for on the train was named Ladybug

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The man they were searching for on the train was named Ladybug. Fucking Ladybug. When Lemon told them that, Kliment didn't bother to hide her laugh. It was nearly as bad as fruit-themed codenames.

Given that he stole Lemon's phone, it didn't take much effort at all to locate him. Tangerine had a stupid smirk on his face the whole time as he opened up the Find My Friends app, pulling up a map that indicated where Lemon's phone was with a little red dot. Ladybug was hiding in the last bathroom at the very end of the train, past the tenth economy-class car.

For the most part, that section of the train was empty as Tangerine and Kliment walked all the way down. Then Kliment did a cute little knock on the door to get the American thief's attention.

"Geez, they're usually so polite here," they heard him mutter on the other side of the door. "Lady, I'm so—"

Ladybug shut up when he slid the door open and saw Tangerine and Kliment instead of the woman that'd already knocked on the door twice before giving up and going to find a different bathroom. A very smug Tangerine held up his phone screen, showing the tracking method.

"Oh," Ladybug mumbled, his face falling as he looked down at the stolen phone he was holding. "That's cool."

Tangerine reached forward, grabbing the front of his jacket. "Come here, you—" He reacted quickly, slamming the bathroom door shut on Tangerine's arm, making him cry out. "Bastard!"

It took him a moment, but eventually, he got the door back open. But when he did, Ladybug kicked him back. Tangerine snatched the other man's leg and began punching him in the thigh while shouting in anger. "Come here, you - you dirty fucking scum!"

Kliment kept back, watching how the fight progressed.

Lemon pushed Tangerine back against the opposite wall, then the two grappled for a moment before ending up crashing into the car full of snacks that the attendants used to refill their carts.

After slipping his brass knuckles on, Tangerine rushed forward. However, Ladybug got crafty, managing to trip him up by throwing open the lower cabinet doors. He followed it up by slamming an upper door right into Tangerine's face, knocking him back a bit as blood began dripping from his nose.

Both men had their fists up, but Tangerine was the first to throw a punch, which Ladybug dodged. But the American failed to move in time for the second blow and was sent flying into a counter from the punch, which he had to grab onto to keep from falling down.

When Ladybug tried to come after him, Tangerine opened a cabinet and hit him in the knees. While Ladybug gathered his bearings, the other man used the moment to run around to get right in front of him. He threw punch after punch, but Ladybug dodged each one, ending in several cabinets being smashed.

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