1 - Earth 99999: Project 5221

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"Centa, do you copy?" a voice emanated from Centa's walkie-talkie as he, Disney Duchess, Solar Flare, White Rabbit, Chomper and Rift approached a seemingly random alleyway.

It was cloudy, and almost everyone was inside out of fear of the rain. The alleyway was nothing suspicious, just a small passage between 2 houses.

"Loud and clear, Freight-Tale. Mind telling me why we're here again?" Centa asked as he looked back to do a quick headcount.

A few civilians looked from their windows out of curiosity, and some immediately shut their windows after realising it was The Outcasts.

"There's been reports of trash being rummaged through, supposed stalkings and apparently even a murder or two all in this alleyway."

"So we're doing the police's dirty work?" Chomper said as he suddenly chimed in.

"Not quite, a few officers have gone MIA after trying to investigate the area. Proceed with caution, and be on the lookout for a 2-metre-tall person that looks like a robot."

"It's probably that damn Brash gang again..." Centa said.

He walked into the alleyway.

"Alright everyone, we haven't got all day!" Disney said as she walked into the quiet alleyway.

The rest followed as well.

The alleyway was dark, the only sunlight breaking through the clouds was barely illuminating the place. It was damp, with trash thrown around the place, and reeks of foul odours.

The radio came back to life once again.

"By the way, has anyone heard from AC/DC? I need him on patrol but he hasn't shown his face in our HQ yet." Freight-Tale asked.

"Knowing him, he's probably passed out drunk on the couch or in the middle of a massive hangover." Solar Flare said jokingly. "But to answer your question, no, I haven't. But I can give him a visit later if you want."

"AC/DC's gone AWOL? Classic." Centa said annoyed.

"Maybe he's busy with work? I mean, he's literally living 2 separate lives." White Rabbit said as he also chimed in.

"Whatever he is doing, he's neglecting his duty as a hero, don't you think?" Disney Duchess spoke.

"I'll let Freight be the judge of that..." Chomper replied.

As the team moved further into the alleyway, the sound of trash being rummaged through grew louder and louder.

"I'm not the only one hearing bins, am I?" Chomper said with a worried expression.

"I'm afraid not, we've got company. I'll go check it out." Centa said as he approached the origin of the sound.

Centa's eyes widened as he saw...! A rat, jumping out of the bin and scurrying away as it got scared by Centa approaching.

"CLEAR!" Centa shouted, notifying the team that there was nothing at all.

"This place gives me the creeps..." White Rabbit said, and rightfully so, as a feeling of being watched began to sink in within the team.

"Agreed, this place ain't what it seems to be." Centa spoke.

A strange figure suddenly emerged. It seemed to have come from the alleyway's walls. The light barely even revealed the figure, however, through an odd coincidence, a perfectly placed mirror seemed to cast light on its chest, revealing the logos "A.I.M & The Walt Disney Science & Research Centre".

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