[Chapter 1]

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      Fingerprint sat in a dim coffee shop. He was a tan cookie, with dark red strawberry jam for hair. He sat facing the window to watch the people walk by. Inspecting as much as he could about them before they faded out of view. He took a sip of his coffee and stood up, heading towards the door. He held it open as the waved goodbye to the barista and they waved back. He passed through the door and out into the outside world. The sun had just set he watched as it hit the horizon line then disappeared. Heading down the street sipping his coffee every now and then. Smiling at people that waved to him.

      A cloaked figure ran past Fingerprint making him drop his coffee. A glimpse of pink hair could be seen as the figure turned slightly to try and look at Fingerprint but he continued to run. The figure could be holding a book of some sorts... the book had a purple to blue gradient, and gold accents as well as a metal clasp. He couldn't see the front of the book and the spine showed no name. Fingerprint sprinted after the figure.

      "Wait up!" He yelled just loud enough for the figure to turn revealing a grey-ish yellow eye. The person ran towards the forest eventually reaching it and running out of Fringerprint's view. Fingerprint entered the forest as well, his run slowing down to walking. Some strange glowing marking appeared on one of the trees. He brushes his hands against one then turned around and spotted another, then another, then another, and another. They kept showing up leading him to a run down, broken, and half collapsed building. 

      The cloaked figure watched from behind, his cloak helping him hide in the shadows of the trees. A blue and pink marking appearing as he placed his hand on one of the trees. He placed the book into a harness connected to his belt. The new marking on the tree illuminates part of his face revealing a grin with sharp teeth. 

       Fingerprint entered the building searching around for the figure. The building was full of book shelves, with books of many colors scattered across them. Fingerprint thought to himself.

... non of this makes any sense. what am I doing here? why did I run after that person. this is just a dead end... 

       He walked down one of the several long halls and he reached a large room. Part of the ceiling and wall were gone, letting the moon light shine into the room. The walls were covered in vanilla colored banners with the different symbols of the Light God's kingdom. The farther you walk into the room the more you see. In the very back there was a sword inside of a pedestal as well as a stain glass mural depicting the Light God holding up a sword that looked eerily close to the one in the pedestal. Fingerprint placed his hands onto the handle of the sword pausing for a moment looking back up at the mural. 

       Loud and fast foot steps could be heard quickly approaching Fingerprint. He swiftly pivoted to face that direction to spot the figure from before lunging at him. Fingerprint collapsed to the ground as the figure pushed him down and stood over top of him. Fingerprint grabbed the figure's leg throwing him to the ground and standing back up. Stepping back towards the exit. The figure stood up cracking his next, his smile could be seen again. The figure pushed Fingerprint against the wall pressing his forearm against Fingerprint's throat.

      "Come on chérie, don't make this difficult for me." The figure grinned and said with a smooth voice. 

      Fingerprint stared at the figure in fear softly gasping for air. He used his knee to push the figure off of him. He sprinted over to the sword taking it out of the pedestal. The figure slowly walked over to him. Fingerprint stepped back unsure of what the figure's intentions were. The figure continued to slowly approach him. Then lunged, Fingerprint held the sword out in front of him. The figure already too close to realized the sword. Fingerprint stared at the figure. 



     The figure collapsed onto his knees. Placing his hand onto the fresh gash across his chest. The blood seeping into his clothing. Tears fell from the figures eyes. 

     Fingerprint watched holding the sword close to himself. Then sprinted down the hall and to the exit. Looking back into the building before running back into the forest. Past the markings and into an alley of the city. He leaned against the wall dropping the sword next to him. He slid down the wall and held his knees to his chest beginning to sob.


     The figure laid on the ground a puddle of blood around him as three people entered the room. One spotted the figure on the ground. 


     The person in the middle of the three approached the figure who was now referred to as 'Caramel'. The person pulled down Caramel's hood revealing a cookie with pink hair and a white streak and grayish gold eyes. The back of his head had a shark like tail. His face was wet with tears and his body trembled.

     "I failed you..." he said softly his once smooth voice now shaky. A few more tears sparked from his eyes as he said this.

     "I know. Luckily you are no longer needed in my destiny." The person stated. 

      Caramel's eyes widened as the person grabbed the book from his harness. His cloak now showing the rest of his body revealing another shark like tail where one usually is. The person stood up using his leg to kick Caramel so that his body rolled to face the other direction. One of the two people left standing at the end of the hall stared at Caramel's body in horror. The other did not reveal any emotion and stared off into space. 




      "Let's go."

[Word count: 1007]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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