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Walking into class, her small smile faded, her desk surrounded by her two closest class friends. Shiho and Minori, having an intense staredown with her desk.

She slowly stepped over, keeping her eyes to the floor as she prepared herself for another day of hell. She would usually call school tolerable and fun from time to time but not ever since...

"K-Kohane!" Minori turned around as she did her best to cover the girl's view of her desk, gripping at it as if her life depended on it. "H-Hi!"

"Hey..." Shiho, waved at the girl, not daring to raise her hand higher than her chest. "You...might want to switch desks with one of us today Kohane" Shiho said, staring at the desk again.

Kohane shook her head softly, already aware of what her desk had on it. It wasn't the first time, she was used to it, unfortunately.

Ever since she started being a bit more confident in class, people have become scarier, they've become meaner. Kohane's their target, and the two girls know. They've asked countless of times for a teacher's help or if Kohane needed any support or small breaks. They always ended up with 'there's nothing we can do if we don't know who's doing it' or a 'no I'll be fine'.

"Please don't worry about it" The girl smiled weakly "the teacher will switch it out later...." she jumped, hearing the laughter of girls outside the classroom, she didn't even bother to turn around and look at their faces. Shiho and Minori were already doing it for her.

"I don't think I know any of them.." Shiho mumbled under her breath "why would girls from other classes even pick on you?" The tallest girl asked.

"I don't know..it just started happening one day.." Kohane sighed with a shaky breath "M-Minori it's fine you can move away from my desk.."

"But..Kohane.." Minori frowned, her grip on the desk becoming harder.

"It's fine Minori" Kohane's voice tensed up, which was very unusual for the shy and kind girl.

After a few seconds of hesitation, she moved away, leaving for her own desk, feeling like she had failed as a friend. Shiho stayed, watching as Kohane sat down, the girl not paying attention to the offensive graffiti on her desk as she put her books on it.

"Is..there something you need..?" She asked as she stared at the gray haired girl from the corner of her eye.

"N-No.. but are you sure-" Shiho tried asking

"I'm fine, seriously..class is starting soon, so head over to your seat.. please" Kohane added...as she put her head down.

The girl reluctantly left her, leaving the girl alone with her messy desk. She sighed, knowing that she was clearly being watched by her classmates, one or more of them probably thinking if they should include the two girls in Kohane's situation. Three people at once...

'i'm sorry girls...' She thought as smiled sadly as the teacher came in the class, the teacher was probably already tired of changing the desk of the poor girl. But they still have her a new one, holding class back as they demanded for the bullies to speak up and expose themselves.

In class, nothing happened as always, it was quiet and the teacher did their lesson like planned.

Lunch was the problem, the teacher insisted on eating inside the classroom so no one could ruin her desk again.

"Hey, Kohane, why don't we all eat lunch together?" Minori smiled as she was followed by the gray haired girl. Shiho pointed to the door with her head, telling her that they were waiting for her to come along with them.

"S-Sure!" She smiled as she stood up from her chair, pushing it back into place as the teacher waved her off with her friends while they kept watch of the classroom.

"We're going to eat outside 'Kay?" Minori smiled, knowing it'd be harder for bullies to get her if they're in plain sight

"Although...I'm not particularly happy that I might run into people I'd rather not see while outside" Shiho sighed "but it's fine with me"

The three all headed over to their lockers, picking up their lunches, the lockers being incredibly loud with students fresh out of class and friends meeting up.

"Well! Off we go!" Minori laughed as she pulled along the other two outside.

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