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The Day was warm and sunny, a small breeze hit their face as they left for the school yard.

"Why don't we sit over there?" Shiho pointed at a smaller and more secluded area away from where people would hang out at, it was hidden behind a few bushes so it would cover them from anyone seeking harm towards them.

"S-Sure!" Kohane said as she pumped her fist, feeling like maybe eating lunch with her friends could help her day get a little bit better.

The three girls all walked over to the bench, the two friends scoping out their surroundings in case someone followed them. After sitting down, they all put their packed lunches on their legs, waiting to dig in

"Kohane...you okay?" Minori said as she leaned a bit forward, trying to read Kohane's expression that was twisted with fear and anxiety

"I uh... it's nothing" The blonde girl replied as she stared at her lunch. 'they probably ruined it again....'

"Okay..? Well, itadakimasu" Shiho shrugged as she opened her lunch, Minori following her in her directions and Kohane not breaking eye contact with her lunch box.

With a sigh, she opened it, looking away, trying to prepare herself as to what would end up in her lunch again...bugs? Dirt? Blades? Poison?

Nothing. Her lunch was untouched and was just like how she left it. If the Ootori girl didn't go to their school, Minori could've sworn she'd have sparkles in her eyes.

"Something wrong Kohane?" Shiho said, her mouth full, but at least she covered it with her hand.

"N-No.. it's just been a while since I've been able to actually eat lunch" she smiled to herself as she finally started eating her lunch. For once, her lunch break wasn't spent alone with her own thoughts.

The three bonded over music like they always did when they had spare time.

Maybe a bit about Shiho's older sister.. none of the less, still music talk.

"Oh right, speaking of! Kohane, when's your next training session with your band?" Minori asked, somewhat curious about when she could potentially sneak up on the girl's hardworking group.

"Tomorrow after school.." she shifted in her seat "why?"

"Just asking!" Minori laughed, Shiho silently finishing her meal while the two talked band stuff.

"Well, if you aren't going to let us do anything about what's going on at school, at least tell your band mates" Shiho mumbled

"Wha?" Minori jumped, basically having forgotten that the gray haired girl was dragged along with them.

"Keeping things to yourself plays on your emotions and you end up messing up more. Your band is going to notice sooner or later if you're as close as you say you guys are" she finally added with a clear voice.

"Oh...really..?" Kohane turned her head and looked down at her hands. "I... really don't mind it though... it's just an inconvenience that comes with school.." Kohane said.

"I-it's more than an 'inconvenience' Kohane.." Minori frowned as she put her arms against the smaller girls arm "really, you should let us help out..."

"I'll be fine... I know you guys really think I'm just handling it because I don't want to tell on anyone but... i-i've grown! I can handle this and be fine really!" Kohane said, standing up and walking off.

"That's exactly why she doesn't want to tell anyone..." Shiho grunted as she jumped up from her seat, stretching her arms a bit.

"Y-yeah..." The other girl agreed as she looked at the now empty seat next to her on the bench.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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