Chapter 4

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Later that night we were in Lorens room listing to music and just talking about the summer.

" omg it's getting late we need to start getting ready."
Loren said panicking

"Calm down its barley 6 and the party starts at 8 we have plenty of time."

"Ugh your right."

So we started getting ready I was done within an hour and just waited for Loren.

"So is your sister gonna take us.?" I asked

"Ya I just texted her she's outside let's go."

Her sisters name is lilly she's 24 and had 3 kids she's pretty cool though she would do anything for us she's kinda like a big sister to me I always go to her when I need advice from an women since my mom isn't around and I only live with boys it can get really stressful but there isn't anything I can do.

The car ride wasn't that long in just about 6 minutes we were in front of the huge house that was filled of drunk teenagers and loud music that you can hear down the block.

"What time are yall gonna want me to pick yall up.?" Lilly asked

"Ummm about 1." Loren said

"Okay then Girls don't get into trouble."

"We won't thanks again Lilly." I thanked her

"No problem sweetie."

We started walking towards the house and then we were surrounded by sweaty drunk teenagers their were couples making out and people dancing some smoking.

I turned to my right to see if Loren was there but she wasn't I got scared so i started looking for her but then I saw she was dancing with her crush and I didn't want to interrupt so I went to the kitchen and sat down on a stool.

A hour passed by and I was still sitting in the same spot bored and alone it's times like these that I wish I had more friends and not be such a loaner.
All of a sudden I felt someone touch my back and I turned around and it was Jose.

"What are you doing here your not supposed to be here you need to get out now."

"Geez I'm sorry for bumping into you and giving you attitude but you don't have to kick me out for that."

"I'm not kicking you out you just can't be here right now something bad is gonna happen and you can't get hurt."

I was confused what was he talking about and why did he care about me now why not 2 years ago when my mom left us and my dad died why would he care now.

"I don't know what your talking about but leave me alone please you don't care about me and I know that."

Then in that moment I started hearing gun shots and people yelling. Jose grabbed me by my waist and pulled me under the counter covering me.
What the hell is going on.

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