Ch.3 - A tragic scene

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TW: Talks about r@pe, self-harm, and depression, might be more so read this while being in a good mindset

     After a good rest everyone was shocked to see Moltria and Cornivia cooking.
     "Good morning everyone" Moltria greeted them acting like what happened yesterday never even happened even having her check covered again.
     "Ok, me and Moltria worked hard on this meal even waking up early for this, so eat up" Cornivia said as he put the plates of food the the tables. After they ate everyone went to the conference room.

     Spain had offered to read, he opened the book and scanned the page only to be in shock.
     "What's so bad about the page Spain" France asked.
     "It's about Cornivia" Spain said still in shock.
     "Just read it Spain, it can't be worse than Moltria's" They heard someone with a spanish accent say and turned to see Cornivia ready to hear. Everyone sat down and listened.

We will show you a memory of Moltria and Cornivia in the pirate era

     Cornivia was frozen in fear, the only person who knew what had happened was Moltria and now everyone would know even Moltria would know what happened after she left him. A door had appeared and they walked through assuming it to be what would show them.

     Once they entered they saw Moltria and England talking "Moltria I need you to go onto Spain's ship and find some more food that we can take".
      "Of course dad, I won't disappoint the crew" They saw Moltria say as she grabbed her stuff , ready to steal from Spain's ship. The scene then changed to Spain's ship, it showed Cornivia with a fresh scar carved on his chest.
     "Why did Spain do this, all I wanted was my own freedom and not be under his rule" the younger Cornivia said as they saw what little food and water he had "I need to ration out my food, otherwise I could starve if he decides to just stop feeding me."
     Once that was said they saw some of Spain's crew members walk down.
     "Spain what is your crew doing?" England said with a hint of seriousness in the voice
     "I don't know, but they never had permission to go down there" Spain said with a confused look, Cornivia knew what was going to happen and looked away. He didn't want to relive these memories. As the crew members walked up to Cornivia they started doing things (we keepin it pg here), everyone was shocked. Hell even Spain fell out of pure shock.
     "P-please stop it!" was all the younger Cornivia could muster from the amount of crying he was doing
     "Does the pipsqueak want us to stop, keep it going boys" is what the man who wasn't doing anything said, most could assume he was the leader.

     The men kept going at it until they were satisfied. They just watched as Cornivia cried on the floor "Big brother, please help,"
     "Cornivia is this really what happened?"
     "I would rather not talk about it, Spain" the two brothers had never been the same after the pirate era. After that they saw Moltria walking around the ship looking for some food when she walked down the stairs and saw Cornivia.
     "Cornivia, what are you doing here?" Moltria said with her sword being held in her hands.
     "Spain invaded and took me away" right then they heard Spain walking down the stairs with food and water, Moltria ran and hid from Spain.
     "That was so cool Moltria" one of the italians said
     "Thanks Italy, I was only doing what I had to so England wouldn't kill me" she said letting her French slip out a bit.

     Once Spain had left Moltria came back out and used her hair clip to pick the lock.
     "Since when could you lock pick?" questioned the younger Cornivia.
     "I had to learn, after all helping raise twins you learn some skills" as she spoke you could hear the french in her come out "Now let's get you out of here, you can wear my coat for some warmth" with that being said Moltria put her coat over Cornivia revealing the scars that she has on her arms. Once the coat was on the two started running, Moltria would fight with Spain's crew but since she was good with close range fighting she defeated them with ease.

     Once they reached the end of the ship the two of them jumped over and landed on England's ship.
     "I'll take care of you down in my area of the ship" the younger Moltria said with her voice slipping up, this made Cornivia laugh a bit. Moltria brought him down and took care of him over the next few days.
     "Moltria, he's going to need to find somewhere else to go" is all England said before walking off.
     "We can make a pit stop at my country, you can stay at my house, no one is ever at my place, so you can stay there" all that Cornivia did was nod, the last few days felt like a blur.

     Moltria ran up to the top deck "Dad we need to make a stop at my country" she said hoping England would.
     "Fine Moltria" and with that Moltria went back down to her area and saw Cornivia asleep, so she put her coat over him to keep him warm on the way back.

     After a few harsh months at sea they made it back to Moltria's country, Moltria walked from the ship while holding Cornivia bridal style.
     "Why do you never pick me up when I ask" America pouted.
     "Because I don't like people thinking I'm super strong, Cornivia happenes to be the right weight for me to carry" this time she said it with her whole french accent coming out. Moltria carried Cornivia to her house.
     "I know it's not in the best of shape, but I can stay and clean" Moltria said but her voice slipped up again on her causing Cornivia to laugh again.
     "You should continue to plan your rebellion, I'll come join when I'm all better" Corniva said as he was placed on the bed in Moltria's room.
     "The only clothes I have are ball gowns for parties" Moltria was looking through her closet for something Cornivia could wear.

     "Do you have any red dresses?" Cornivia couldn't see what dresses there were.
     "Yea, I do actually. You want one?" That was said as she got one of the dresses out of the closet.
     "I would, I can run and get clothes later" Cornivia went to put the dress on once it was handed to him.

      "I would, I can run and get clothes later" Cornivia went to put the dress on once it was handed to him

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(What the dress looks like)

     The dress ended up fitting perfectly and Moltria decided he would be fine since he had been treated for months.
     "Take care of yourself please Cornivia" the french accent had mixed with the british accent.
     "I promise" and with that Moltria walked out the door. Cornivia saw a loose piece of wood and took it and walked into the bathroom and cut himself a few times letting the blood drip onto the floor.

     After the memory finished Moltria ran up to Cornivia and hugged him with tears in her eyes "I should have never left you Cornivia" with tears in everyones eyes they all walked out of the memory without another word leaving Corinvia to carry a sobbing Moltria.

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