Ch.7 - American findings

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     This chapter talks about the events of 9/11, I do not mean this to be offensive

     Everyone walked through the door that would lead to the memory once again.

     Once they entered they saw Moltria asleep in her bed with a dog plush.

     "So Moltria you sleep with a stuffed dog?" they heard Prussia say, Moltria blushed out of pure embarrassment that everyone now knew.

     Moltria woke up and looked around as if she was expecting someone to burst into her room or be there already. She looked at her clock and saw it was a bit past 9 am, "It's oddly quiet, and where is America? He would normally scream at me to wake up."

     Moltria got out of bed and walked out of her room, but there still was no noise in the normally loud house, "America? Are you awake?" Moltria continued walking down the stairs. Once she reached the end she saw a sight she never wanted to see again.

     America was laying on the floor and bleeding, the last time Moltria ever saw him like this was during the revolutionary war.

     "AMERICA!" Moltria ran to her baby brother and held him in her hands as she called someone.

     "Sis it's going to be okay," both America and Canada went and hugged their sister as she was on the verge of tears.

     Once Moltria finished the call she picked America up and brought him to her bathroom and patched him up as best she could until Canada arrived at the house.

    "Canada, thank god you got here, I haven't turned on the tv yet" Moltria's voice was shaky as the two walked over and turned on the news.

     "The Twin towers were hit by two plans not to long ago and people are jumping trying to escape, this terrorist attack might change America forever,"

     Moltria stood there shocked at what was happening, she looked over at her youngest brother who was on the couch now properly patched up.

     "Why does everyone have to suffer even worse than the last in this world" Moltria said while shaking her head while Canada was sitting next to the passed out American.

     Moltria was sitting on the floor with both of her brothers hugging her while trying not to cry her eyes out from the pain all over again, and America was learning what his older siblings were feeling in that moment.

     In the memory Moltria looked over at America as she understood what her brother was going through as she had been through multiple disaters in her life. The main pain she went through is her country being in complete flames, she felt her people being in pain and got a horse and went straight for her country before she had fainted from all the smoke she inhaled.

     Canada was still sitting next to the american as Moltria walked out not wanting to see her brother in anymore pain as she was just going to possibly have a breakdown as she had so many emotions that had been building up. "It's going to be ok America, we will figure out who did this and bring them justice," Canada said standing up and getting a blanket for his brother.

     "That was a really hard time for us three, I really wanted to just lock myself in my room and cry my eyes out," Moltria laughed at the comment while still having tears in her eyes. "Once America woke up Moltria was a sobbing mess, it's kinda funny thinking about it," Canada laughed at Moltria as the three siblings sat together.

     The memory had faded but the door didn't apper again "Where the bloody hell is the door" England said with a very thick British accent falling out.

     "Maybe there will another memory right after this one?"

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