Chapter 1: Ironically, my favorite light novels are all romantic.

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If there is one thing I could flex about in my reading club, is that my light novel collection, when stacking up is higher than myself (a great way to self-destruct the fact that I'm short). Just to show off how many books I actually own, I had to save every single cent my mom gives monthly, and ironically, most of them are rom-coms.

Is it weird? Absolutely no idea. But then as I read and enjoy the story, more about I feel like romance is unavoidable if the story falls under "school life" or some random couple that meets in an awkward place like a plane, a train or a coffin. As more books as I read, it's more about adding a little bit of taste of love just to get a bunch of people shipping and more plot. But as a wise teacher once said, it's blasphemy.

I speak facts, not blasphemy?

Liberty expression was a thing right.

Maybe not, but hey, at least my logic is undeniable.

So while I'm just reading Tanmoshi over and over, completely ignoring my teacher's homework to rewriting my logically-accurate essay, I heard a voice that I never heard.


- Who's that?"

I think I mentioned this before right.

"Come in!"

A brunette, approximately 22-year old enters the room, with a pair of glasses, wearing a good-old jeans and an oversized brown t-shirt, so big that her lingerie just pops out. I don't remember this being a trend for the girls at school, thought I have seen this style in Popsicoole.

One, I'm not a lolicon. And two, the magazine is basically so popular that every single library has it. How won't you notice it?

She looks like an educated girl, which explains her style of clothing. You wear anything you have unless it's offensive. I support that.

She caught her eye probably more on the light novels I own than the person she's supposed to talk to. 2 stacks of books just laying out there. Reading that must take weeks, right?

"What are you doing right now?"

I take it back, she's not an educated girl. My hand's literally holding a book right now.

"Just... reading. You?"

I take it back again, the sentence she just said is probably something socially-obligated to say. I guess I'm not good at assumptions, but my sentences are still factually correct: she's not holding anything right now, she doesn't seem to do anything besides coming to my room and disturb my precious reading time.

"Oh well, just coming to say hi. Your dad's not here and he advise me to come meet you.

- Have a seat, I'll make some green tea."

Overthinking isn't too good. But hey, if my dad successfully got attracted by that girl over there, then it's kind of explainable. Like I said, you don't love anyone without a reason, right?

Coming back to my room. Oh hey, she's reading a book now. The fact that she chose the 8th episode of "86" makes me think she's someone who just started reading these types of books and haven't finished the series.

"Um, hey, green tea's here...
- Ah, alright, thanks. Hey, how many series did you actually read?

- Like, 14... but I still haven't finished yet.

- Oh, favorite genre?

- Rom-com?

- Classic."

I take it back again. She's probably experienced if she dares saying rom-com is a classic genre.

"What about you?"

A socially-obligated question, obviously.

"School life.
- Classic.
- Not exactly, but stories that starts with a school or circulates around the school life works for me.. but I consume any type of novels.
- So you're a veteran?
- Possibly.

- Favorite series?

- A lot."

This unknown girl probably read a lot of light novels. At least we have something in common. Light novels are a great way to have a new perspective about life, in my case, romantic stuffs. So she's probably educated.
"Your name?
- I don't watch anime. {misunderstood as "Your Name", the anime}

I take it back.

"No, I mean, what's your name-

- Oh... Hanashi Hinoiri.

- Kanako Kimura. Nice to meet you.

- You don't look sad though.

- I picked my name like that."

Yups. Names have meanings, like they should be. But her attitude really fits the springtime: happy, positive, and beautiful.

I take it back. Complimenting an opposite-gender person is having a suspiciously romantic feeling for the other.

Life's sometimes complicated because of the thing you trust.

(753 words)

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