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"Is she really?!" Lily gasps, hiding her face with her hooves.

"No bucking way..." Heather mutters.

"I can't watch!" Amy squeals.

But it happened.

"What?! No!" Chrysalis screams.

"The Night will last forever!" NightMare Moon laughs, blasting Queen Chrysalis with a ray of her horn.

"Luna?" Sunlight whispers, but 'NightMare Moon' winks at her, relieving everyone else. "I got this!" Luna whispered back.

"Should we help?" Tayla asks, and Sunlight nods. "Come on!" Heather cries, charging towards Chrysalis. "Sunlight, I think it's time to--" Amy began, but Sunlight knew exactly what she was reffering to. "I'm the Light princess. The physical embodimemt of Light. Not darkness!" "But... If you bring Shadow Mist out, it would help--" "Some other time. Not just now. I'm not ready."

Amy looks at the Light princess with pity before attacking Chrysalis with the others.

Slowly, the skies outside become darker because of NightMare Moon. "You wouldn't, Luna!" Chrysalis exclaims. "Luna? I am NightMare Moon! There can only be one! And that is me!" Luna shouts, blasting Chrysalis. Heather, Eclipse, Amy, Sunlight, and BlazingIce attack with their flight and magic, while Lily Blossom stays in one corner, trying hard to spark a single magic beam from her horn. She was so nervous that she couldn't even blast.

A moment later, the rest of Chrysalis' army barges in the castle, attacking the six ponies and Princess Luna. By the sudden attack, Luna accidentally transforms back to her original form. Chrysalis sees this and smirks. "I knew it all along, Luna. You're weak! You can't pull me down any longer! Instead... I'll pull you down! Down there with Celestia!"

Luna couldn't move, because she was weakened, and the other six couldn't go to her rescue because the other changelings were holding them back. Chrysalis' horn glowed a vibrant green, and green flames swallowed Luna to the ground, leading her deep deep down underground.

"Where's your princess now, foals?!" Chrysalis laughs, blasting the six mares with a very powerful beam that sent them crashing against the walls before she and her army left the castle to take over Equestria.

"We're... Doomed..."

A/N: If y'all don't get the green flames thing, I'm reffering to those that we saw in A Canterlot Wedding xD

See ya later, alligator!

Next chapter in a while, crocodile!


[DISCONTINUED] Invasion // MLP:FiMWhere stories live. Discover now