Part 30

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I'm on my way now to the address that Bec sent. It was a bit far from the bar and is making me wonder about the appointment that she was talking about. Is it a business appointment or something in particular?

My hands are becoming cold and shaky as I am getting closer to the place. I'm nervous of seeing her after what happened and I don't know if I can even speak to her later. Hoo, I can do this, I'm Francine Natalie Aberton and no one can make me tremble except of her of course. Aish, doesn't even makes sense.

Before we went out for the gig, I left a handwritten letter in her room and let it slid through the tiny gap between the floor and the door. It's for her to read if she arrives in her room. It's like a letter of gratitude and uhm about wanting to settle things the new way. 

I turned left after the gas station and stopped right at a narrow street. I read the street name to check if it was the same as the one's Becky gave and it's right but why is this place dimmed up? The street light's broken and there's no one wandering in the streets. Is Becky really in there? 

I parked my car by the road and stepped out of it. In front of me is a seemingly abandoned house. The other houses beside it looks like it's been peopleless in ages. This is like a shot in a horror movie and just by thinking about it makes me shiver down my spine. I dislikes the idea that there are ghosts in places like this. 

The wind is blowing a cold breeze as the crickets' sounds grew bigger in the time being. This is so creepy, I should text Bec.

To: Becbec

I'm here, where are you?

I ran my hand in my arms to ease the cold that I'm feeling. Gosh, it's freezing cold.

 I wonder where she's at? I can't see their car here nor a single vehicle in the street. 

"Bec?"  I tried to call her name in case she's not looking at her phone. Is she inside of those houses? or what? please hurry up Bec. I'm gonna freeze here.

"Rebecca?'' I called her name for the second time, still waiting for her to answer back but I didn't get any. The dogs are the ones who answered my call, they're howling like crazy and it's scaring every nerve in my body.

A sound of someone coming from behind suddenly appeared. I thought she's not here for a second but the sound of these footsteps are proving me wrong.

 I turned to my back to greet her. "Bec, I thought you - - -



"Bec, I thought you - - - 

Francine thought she'd see Becky behind her back but it turns out it was just a fraud and a huge blow in the head accosted her, leaving her unconscious in the cold ground. Her forehead is bleeding from the baseball bat's impact on it. 

"She's noisy, I thought she might get the attention of those in the gas station. It'll be a big trouble if that happened"  the one holding the bat said. He held his nape for a while, trying to think on what to do with the insensible body of Francine. "Take her to that car. We'll use that for a cover up and leave it somewhere on the road"  he ordered to the other person. "Hello? I can't do it alone. Give me a hand first and I'll drive - - ooh shoot, I don't know how to drive'' the other exclaimed, scratching the back of their ear cause of humiliation.

"Idiot" the guy exclaimed and held Francine by her arms, lifting her in a motion that she can be easily put in her own car. "Careful, I've known her for a bit and she has a tiny space in my heart" the other said, having a grasp of Francine's other arm. They placed the poor lady in the backseat, laying in her back. The hit was severe, it knocked her out from the first swing.

" Shut up and just hop in. We should get going before someone sees us.'' the bat holder drives Francine's car while the other one sits in the passenger's side. They started the engine and went out of the place with a minimal speed, not giving other people a doubt of what they did not see them do. Smirks curl up in their faces as they passed the highway without anyone noticing the change in drivers and the thing laying down in the backseat.



''It's been an hour but she hasn't called yet" Ethan opened, a worried reaction plastered on his face. "Yeah, it's not like she'll go that distance though. An hour long drive will bring her somewhere far and I know she'll call us even if she's driving'' Ken added. All of their opinions make sense because that's how she is. 

I still am on the verge of overcoming my feelings for her and now I can't help it but to worry for the second time again. I don't want anything to happen to her but she keeps on insisting things to be done by herself alone so, we don't have much of a choice but to follow what she wants. 

"Call her" I suggested. If she can't call us this time, then we'll do it for her. We just need her to answer if she's alright. She's prone to trouble so it always make us panic whenever she won't answer her phones or she'll just disappear all of a sudden.

"It's just ringing" Ken answered, his face all surrendered into worriedness. We can't stay still and enjoy our lives here in our table when we don't know what's going on with Francine. She's the only girl in the group so we treat her with the outmost care. We can't even bare to see her get sick, it concerns us a lot.

"Can you track her car?'' I asked Ken. In times like this, our minds will just explode on overthinking about things so we should just follow her car just to check on her. We'll go that extra mile just to know that she's safe.

"I'm working on it." he answered back, tapping something on his phone's screen.

Stay out of danger Francine.


AN: Y'all guys I'm having a character crisis now. I have two ending ideas on the story and both are okay with me . By the way, can you guess who those people are? 

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