Chapter 3: An invite to a club ~Will I get popular?~

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(Y/N): umm, it's okay, Ritsu. I'm pretty sure it's this way.

Ritsu: Okay...

A younger (Y/N) and Ritsu are walking through the forest, after (Y/N) suggested that they should explore the woods. But as they try to find a way back to their parents, they get lost and end up running in a circle.

Ritsu: This is the same place as earlier...

(Y/N): Sorry, this is all my fault for saying we should go exploring.

(Y/N) looks down and frowns, blaming himself.

Ritsu: Forget about it, let's just focus on finding a way back

(Y/N): But how are we gonna do that?

The younger of the two thinks for a moment and quickly comes up with an idea.

Ritsu: Oh, I know!

(Y/N): You do?

Ritsu paces up to a tree and crouches down to take a closer look at the mossy side of the tree.

Ritsu: I learned this in science class, the side with moss growing on it is north. Moss always grows in places where the sun shines least, you see?

He then goes to another tree that has fallen, and looks at the moss growing on it, then points to the direction they need to head.

Ritsu: This way is north, this direction will take us to the river! Then we can get back to where we were barbecuing! Let's go!

The problem-solving skills that Ritsu has demonstrated, astonishes his brother, putting a smile on his face.

(Y/N): Yeah!


Our protagonist wakes up in a sweat, clutching his head in pain from the events of the prior night. As he gets out of his futon, he immediately recalls what happened the previous night and storms out of his room to Ritsu's room.

(Y/N): ('That wasn't a dream. But Ritsu...')

(Y/N): Ritsu! Ritsu!

(Y/N) frantically calls out to his younger twin brother as he swiftly opens the bedroom door. As the door opens, (Y/N) sees that Ritsu is completely devoid of injuries or any signs of harm, and along with a girl who (Y/N) recognizes to be the Student Council President.

Sona: Good morning, (Y/N) (L/N).

(Y/N): ('She's the president of the Student Council...')

Ritsu: Brother, calm down, everything's okay.

(Y/N): Ritsu, are you alright?! Last night wasn't a dream!

Ritsu: I know, I thought it was too. I'm fine though, but are you okay? You're not still hurt are you?

Taking a few quick relaxed breaths, (Y/N) calms down, and stares at his brother for a second until he speaks.

(Y/N): Ritsu...

(Y/N) slowly moves closer to his twin brother, wrapping him in a hug.

(Y/N) slowly moves closer to his twin brother, wrapping him in a hug

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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