Shiver (Splatoon) x Reader

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A/N - I DO NOT play Splatoon so the way this is written may be a little wrong.

"Right this way to your table." We follow the waitress as she takes us to our reserved table. Shiver and I decided to, as friends go to dinner, "I will be back to take your orders momentarily."

Sitting down at the table I take a look around the restaurant. It was a classy, but not fancy classy. More so a normal classy. You know? Like the spaghetti factory. Normal, casual, classy. I've never been here so I didn't know what was on the menu. Or what I was doing. I let Shiver pick the restaurant so hopefully nothing spicy.

"Seriously. Spicy food. All of this is spicy. Shiver, you know I don't like spicy food." I look at the menu, looking at Shiver, who already has her food choice in mind.

"What? Just give it a try. Get the Coward Noodles. It the least spicy." Shiver shrugs, placing the menu down as the waitress nears our table again to deliver our drinks and take our orders, "I'll get you something sweet after." Shiver bribes me. And it works.


"Hello! May I take your orders?" The nice waitress, her name being Harmony, asks.

"Yes. I'll take the tongue burner noodles and one coward noodle for my (lady/lad)." Shivers orders for the both of us.

"(Lady/lad)?" I question, covering my face, which was now practically tomato red, with my hand.

Okay. I admit it. I like Shiver. I have a crush on her. I said it. But i don't think she likes me back. I mean-

"Y/N? Y/N!" Shiver waves her hand in front of my face, catching m attention and bringing myself out of my thoughts.

"Ah! Sorry Shiver! I guess I was lost in thought..." I look away, rubbing my neck nervously.

'She probably thinks I'm weird now.' I was always insecure around her, even though we've been friends for a while. She was just so perfect and I was Nothing special. Just plain old Y/N L/N.

"It's fine. Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to plan another hangout soon? I enjoy spending time with you~" She looks at me. If I could grow redder I would.

"E-ehm...I would love to! I like hanging out with you too." I start mumbling my words near the end. I can't believe she just said that.

' she flirting with me!?' I gasp silently, 'Wait, probably not.'

"Here's your orders! You both are a lovely couple!" The waitress brings our food.

"Oh! We're not-" I start, shaking my hands in front of my face. I was so, so, so, embarrassed.

"Thank you." Shiver smiles, grabbing my hand from across the table.

'W-Whaaaa...!?' Forget that, I'm DEAD embarrassed. This cant be happening! This is all a dream. A wonderful, amazing dream.

"Let's eat!" I nod and take a bite of my noodles.

"IT'S SPICY!!!!" I start blowing air onto my tongue. They gave us the wrong noodles.

"Mine aren't spicy enough. Guess they swapped out orders hm?" Shiver replies, swapping our bowls.

I was still freaking out. It was so spicy. Too spicy.

"Need help?" I look towards Shiver, nodding my head.

Finally after cooling down I was contemplating, should I tell her?

"Shiver, I need to tell you something."
"Y/N, I need to tell you something."

"Same time?" I question.



"I like you!"
"I have a crush on you!"

A/N - This was requested by someone anonymous! Hope you like it!

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