Gundham Tanaka x Kazuichi Souda (Danganronpa)

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Currently, Kazuicki, Gundham and everyone else, who hasn't died, had free time. Gundham had nothing better to do with the other mortals so he took refuge with Kazuicki, in his garage. Sitting on the ground, which wasn't covered in oil for once he played with his devas of destruction. Kazuichi on the other hand was underneath a car he found, messing around with the mechanics. To fill the awkward silence in the garage music echoed throughout the walls, giving small background noise to the two teens, and multiple hamsters, Kazuichis playlist. How this was possible? Who knows. He is the SHSL Mechanic anyway, so no doubt he's be able to figure out how to build a radio, similar to the phones they used to have.

The old song ended, leaving a small second of silence before the next song played. The catchy tune caught both Souda and Tanakas reaction. The mechanics face splitting into a large grin.

There's a stranger in my bed
There's a pounding in my head
Glitter all over the room
Pink flamingoes in the pool
I smell like a mini bar

The familiar tune of Last Friday Night by Katy Perry filled the garage, making Souda slide out from underneath, having lost all concentration to one of his favorite tunes.

He gives Tanaka a knowing look before bursting into song, now both the original and Soudas horrible singing echoing all around.

"Stop that horrid singing mortal! I'm trying to enjoy this song." Tanaka shouts, tucking the devas into his scarf to try to block their ears.

Souda look at Tanaka, and starts laughing, "Hahaha, you just admit it! You like a 'mortals' music taste! I never knew you could do that!" He air quotes mortals.

Tanaka notices his slip up, tugging up his scarf to hide his embarrassment, "I did not!"

"C'mon, you're fine!" Souda pauses.

Oh no.

"You wanna be embarrassed? The song is still going." He suddenly grabs Tanakas hand, tugging him then continuing to dance with him.

Tanaka groans, Souda was one of the only he was comfortable around, well the only mortal that is.

Two minutes later, the song over, and the two teens out of breath, they collapse on the floor, panting, as if they were just on the brink of death.

"Hahahahahahah!!" They both burst out laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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