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CHAPTER TWENTY-THREEthe calm before the storm

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the calm before the storm


ALTHOUGH NADINE'S ORIGINAL plan had been to turn right around and find Viktor as soon as she gained her bodily autonomy back, by the time that actually happened, she was so exhausted that she could barely keep her eyes open. She stumbled through the hotel's revolving doors like a drunkard, her feet screaming at her with every step, and immediately collapsed on the couch. Her entire body groaned, grateful for the reprieve. Finally free from Allison's spell, it seemed to have turned into a large lump, unwilling to do anything but loll about like a particularly lazy sloth. Nadine couldn't even enjoy the feeling of having her limbs do what she wanted them to do before her eyes drifted shut. The last thing she remembered before she passed out completely was Chet tucking a blanket over her shoulders.

Her dreams were horrible, violent recreations of the events that had occurred last night. Viktor became consumed by Harlan's spell and fell silent and motionless. Allison pulled Harlan's eyes out of his skull and let him writhe until his breath slowed to a stop. Nadine, under Allison's influence, was forced to kill everyone she'd ever loved. She woke up screaming, sure her hands were covered in blood. It was actually sweat, but she still had to run to the bathroom to wash it off.

As the too-hot water ran over her hands, she raised her head to look at herself in the mirror. Somehow, it felt as if something had changed, as if there would be someone else staring back at her. Perhaps her eyes would be Allison's, dark and malicious. Maybe she wouldn't be there at all.

Of course, this wasn't the case. The woman that stared back at Nadine was unchanged, with the same stringy blonde hair, shadowed eyes, and slightly crooked, protruding nose. Her flesh was still riddled with marks from Fei's ravens, though the scabbed-over cuts had been replaced by red patches of skin. Soon, they would fade to scars. As would the cut Kadence had made on her cheek.

She dunked her head under the sink, letting the sting of the water shock her back into reality. Even so, the world was still dream-like. The fact that she could now do what she wanted with her own body hadn't quite sunken in yet, even when she experimentally stomped her sore feet on the floor.

Fuck. She really needed to go back to the drive-in. Allison was gone, but with any luck, Viktor would still be there, likely wondering where everyone had gone. If Nadine found him, she could explain what had happened. Then, maybe the two of them could decide what to do about Allison.

Allison, who took control of Nadine and then looked away. Allison, who had snapped Harlan's neck.

Before she could get too deep into planning, however, a sharp pain and an embarrassing gurgle from her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten since yesterday. She'd have to grab a few pastries or a piece of toast from the lobby's breakfast bar. She could take the food with her on her way to the drive-in.

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