Broken Hearts, Mended Souls Part 4

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Aro had not been around in days, well, since her recovery from her illness, and Denara wondered why. Don't think of the devil, Denny, or he just might show up, she told herself. Perhaps he had decided Marcus was a grown man who didn't need to be dictated to by him. She highly doubted that. Marcus had said Aro wanted to know everything about everyone. So maybe it was Marcus who had told Aro to leave her alone.

In any case, she was excited for her friend's arrival. He had promised to take her into the village again, just spending the late afternoon doing whatever she wanted. She'd donned a pair of jeans and a dark blue V-neck sweater, with black tennis shoes Chelsea had chosen for her. The pearl necklace lay against her chest, a reminder of Marcus' expression of the feelings he had for her. The memory of their first kiss made her reach up to touch her lips. For such a large man, he was very gentle, and that made her heart leap in her chest. Still, he had shown a darker side of himself, not meaning to she'd assumed, and it had scared her. He would eventually explain himself to her before she let this budding relationship go further.

After their visit to the village the first time, Denara had taken a shower later that night and let the tears flow. She felt confused about her feelings for the man who had saved her. She knew she cared for Marcus, a lot. She thought he cared for her as well. He had sacrificed so much of his time, watching over her, making sure she got well, and now entertaining her. Denara had even gained back some of weight she'd lost, judging by the way her old clothes fit now, no longer hanging loose on her body. She wasn't a starving shadow of a human anymore, and felt well cared for.

The tears had finally stopped though, and she slept well that night. But if Aro was going to have her sent back to America, she needed to know how Marcus felt about that.

As soon as he arrived at her room. Denara asked him if he had heard anything from Aro. "Did your brother tell you to get rid of me? Be honest with me, please, Marcus. He wants me to return to America, doesn't he?"

Marcus remembered Aro's words. He didn't counter him at the time, but it was something he was considering doing, since he wasn't ready to send Denara away. "He thought it was for the best."

She turned her head to peer up at him. "And what do you think is for the best?" she asked, a challenge in her voice.

He looked back at her, his eyes revealing what his voice was unable to say. Marcus didn't want the day spoiled, so he quickly changed the subject. He knew he had to talk to Denara and soon. Aro had indicated to Marcus earlier, he would read them both to get to all the truths he was unaware of at the moment. There would be no refusals this time.

Wanting to see the Etruscan Arch, since she had an interest in historical architecture, sometimes taking the time to draw the more fascinating structures, Denara asked Marcus about it. He told her it was not far away from the piazza, so they could easily make a pleasant walk of it.

They left the castle through the back gate, and proceeded down the road to the village square. The air was warm but the sky was cloudy. Marcus had watched through his window, waiting to see if the sun made a showing or not. Fortunately, the clouds reigned supreme today.

Tourists milled around the square, so Marcus held out his hand to Denara, who looked down at it, then took it in her own, her fingers tightening around his. When they passed a food vendor, Marcus stopped and bought an Italian ice for her, knowing the day was warm. She thanked him and smiled, then tasted the ice. It was a delicious fruit flavour, strawberry she thought. She offered him some, but he politely declined.

They proceeded down the street until they reached the Etruscan Arch, one of several ancient gates into the city. It was unprepossessing, but the one interesting detail, Marcus explained, was no mortar was used in its construction. Square cubes made of travertine were molded together, but were not as strong as, say, granite, yet the arch was still here.

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