Broken Hearts, Mended Souls Part 7

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Marcus was elated that Denara had finally chosen the date for her transformation, when he would change her and bind her to him forever as his mate. Now when he lay with her before she went to sleep, they discussed their more immediate future.

"Is there anything you want to do, my love, before Sunday?" Marcus assumed she probably had a list of things she never got to do as a human, and some would remain unaccomplished once she was a vampire. But he wanted to please her as much as possible before then.

Denara, for her part, couldn't wait for her transformation. It would mean she and her husband...was a mate like a husband, she wondered...would be free to engage in sexually pleasuring one another. She actually got goosebumps thinking about it. Marcus never walked naked around her and insisted the same of her, so that neither would lose control. Not that she cared about losing control, but he did, since it would endanger her if he did, taking her the way he would be inclined after so long. She wondered if she should just get it over with, and accept the change now. But no, she wanted to cling to the few days left before she kissed her humanity goodbye.

"You have a car. We could travel the countryside. You do drive, don't you," Denara asked with some excitement. She had not seen much of Italy at all.

"I do, but at times, I will let one of the guards play chauffer."

She smiled at him. "Chauffer? No, Marcus, you'll drive us. Or if you prefer, I'll drive. If you get one of the guards to drive, then we wouldn't be able to pull over somewhere and make out." Did she just sound like a horny teenager? "You know what I mean, as in we'd have no privacy."

But Marcus understood her meaning. It seemed like a delightful idea to him. "As you wish, amore mio. Tomorrow, we will go out and see the countryside. Perhaps we'll stop at a farm stand and buy you some treats to enjoy for an impromptu picnic. And then we'll make out."

"That's a promise," Denara whispered, when she began to nuzzle her soon to be mate's neck, licking just below his ear. Her hand began to stray over his chest and belly.

Marcus wanted to stop her teasing, but found he could not. Instead, he pulled back a few inches. "Denara, I know what you want, and I am in similar need, believe me. If you want to see a preview of what will be yours after Wednesday next, I will comply, but looking, no more. Please don't attempt to touch me, or I will not be responsible for my actions."

Was this a game Marcus was playing with her? It sounded fun. So he was going to let her see him in all his naked glory.

Lying back, he opened the robe he always wore when they were in bed together. Denara licked her lips in anticipation. When Marcus, revealed himself to her, she gazed upon his manhood, larger than she imagined, but not so much she would fear having him within her. As a vampire, would that even matter. "Oh my," she said, now biting her lower lip. "Look at that, and I didn't even have to touch you." She unconsciously reached out before Marcus closed the robe to her.

"Does that please you, my love?" he asked with the pretense of innocence. He wanted her to desire him completely and utterly. She must have, because he could smell her sudden arousal in the air around them.

"Yes, it does," she replied, letting herself fall against him before she kissed him, her tongue roaming over his bottom lip.

"Now it's your turn," he whispered against her lips.

Denara pulled back, looking at Marcus in mock surprise. "Well, if you wish, but remember the rule, no touching."

"No, my dear, it's more like this for you." He pushed her onto her back, and slipped one strap of her nightgown off her shoulder. When he had exposed her breast, he blew his cool breath on it, watching with satisfaction as the nipple hardened. His cold tongue laved her warm flesh, until Denara made sounds of pleasure.

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