Broken Hearts, Mended Souls Part 8

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There was only one more day left in Denara's life as a human, then Marcus would change her. It all seemed so simple. At least it should have felt simple. Today was nearly over, so tomorrow was all she had left. Denara laughed to herself. It sounded as if she were dying when she put it that way, when actually she would be starting a new and much longer life than she ever expected having.

It was strange to her. When she was with Marcus, her body and soul belonged with him. When she was apart from him, her mind would take over, talking to her, and she didn't like what it was telling her.


Hadn't she already decided this? Marcus was away for some trials or something. She'd not yet asked him what exactly a trial entailed. She paced the rooms she shared with Marcus, thinking about the oddness of the situation. She had almost left him, but her love for him pulled her back. They spent many a day and night together, enjoying each other's company. They expressed their need for one another in the context of what was safe for Denara.

Her life was about to change radically, but wasn't that what she wanted, change? A new life? That's why she came to Italy in the first place, and she nearly died. So who ended up saving her? Not a heroic man who would help her in her time of need. No, a vampire saved her. A mythical creature who shouldn't even exist. Marcus saw them together before she even knew his name. And now she was about to be mated to him, forever! What if he tired of her or she of him. Was there such a thing as vampire divorce?

Ok, Denny, you're really overthinking this, she chided herself. Marcus had been with Didyme for a long time and loved her so much, he never got over his loss of her. For Denara, he was willing to take the chance of new love, and he felt they would last longer. Denara would do everything in her power to make his wish come true.

Aro and Caius seemed to accept her now. The Guard would have to follow suit, or they'd have to answer to Aro.


"I have only one day left, Marcus."

Denara and Marcus were sitting out in the garden, enjoying the sun and light. It was his intention to help her realize the vampire coven he was part of did not consist of creatures humans saw depicted on TV or in films. They could live in the sunlight, and didn't exist within dank, dark caves or sleep in coffins. The entire idea was absurd. Except for the need for human blood, they lived an existence similar to humans, only far superior. Marcus wanted his mate to know what she was giving up was nothing compared to what she would be gaining.

Here, Danara would be safe. Here, she would have anything her heart desired. Here, she would be loved.

"I know, my heart. What would you like to do your last day as a human?"

"Something I can't do as vampire, I would imagine. I mean, we can still go to the village, and drive around the countryside, afterwards, right?" Those were things she'd enjoyed doing with Marcus.

"Of course. As long as the sun is not at its brightest. We must be careful not to expose ourselves to humans."

Denara had seen Marcus as well as some of the guards out in the full sunlight, and was amazed at the appearance of their skin, sparkling like diamond dust encrusted marble. It didn't seem as if humans would cry "vampire" on seeing them, but they would question the phenomenon, and questions were something the Volturi wanted to avoid. "The one thing I will miss is food, but I have no desire to eat my way through the day. Except for ice creme. I want some ice creme."

Marcus smiled at his mate. "I think we can find some of that for you."

"Has Aro said anything to you? He seemed thrilled when I finally set the date. Then I've heard nothing from him."

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