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Saturday 6am

Jordanne's POV:

I roll over to the sound of my phone going off.

*Alarm deh annoying you need to change the tone*

I need to stop using alarms, I'm always up by 5:30am anyways.

*No rest for the wicked*

I open my phone and my mind takes me to only one place– her instagram. She went out last night and I'm back at square one after seeing the pictures.

*Block her *

Fi people  start chat bredda?

*Point, point*

Scrolling through her stories, I stop when I get to the picture I like.

Scrolling through her stories, I stop when I get to the picture I like

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*Sure you no wah be her f*ck buddy?*


My fingers move to look at her posts and I realize the two with me are gone.

I smile, but nothing amuses me. Deh so we deh?


I throw the phone down and grab my business cell to call Skulli.

He answers on the first ring "Boss?"

"Shift the meeting to 30 minutes from now," I say to him clearly.

"Think you say a ina the night you did wah see we. Done tell the man de–" 

"Skulli...Just listen to me nuh man...30 minutes..." I cut him off mid explanation.

I'm in the mood right now.

*Ryleigh mash up you medz?*

I roll out of bed and I'm suddenly happy. I move to the shower and hop in. I get done in ten minutes and my clothes in on in five. By now I'm making my way down the stairs, two at a time.

*Eat nuh bredda*

I move to the refrigerator to grab a fruit plate. Mum preps them days before because I tend to eat fruits in the morning instead of the eggs and all that shit.

By 6:25am I'm out the door.

*What you about to drive?*


I hop in the Range Rover and pull out– heading down Jack's Hill. It's early, and a Saturday morning, so when I hit Barbican it's a breeze, no traffic.

I come to a stoplight and glimpse the clock, 6:31am. I floor the gas all the way to Hope Pastures, taking all the back roads to avoid any traffic build up or stop lights.

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