What A Mess

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"A life for a life.  That's the rules of the Santos isn't it? " "Your life for his?"  Spooky is sitting on the black leather couch of the hotel he and Mario rented. 

  A day has gone by. One whole day and it feels like only minutes. Milani hates that she needs Spooky right now. So much so that she grinds her nails into her hands to keep herself grounded. Maybe a little bit of pain might keep the edge off. Maybe that's what she used of, pain.
"You know where he is" Spooky ask?
"I know what he looks like she says" handing spooky the picture. "He looks like you."

Spooky looks down. He takes a long drag of the cigarette he smokes before exhaling.

"If he's anything like me, the kid probably wants nothing to do with us, thinks we're deadbeats. You want to find him and then what Melanie, spooky snaps. We become one big happy family? That's never going to happen. You and this fool," he says pointing to Mario ,"ruined it."
I'm going back to Freeridge in the morning.
"He's in trouble , I can feel it," she whispers. "He needs us."
"Imagine that?  A son needing a father or his mother. When you find him you can be the one to explain why you gave him away."
"Spooky," Mario whispers.
"I don't want to here it," he yells. "You gave him away because I'm not good enough right? Because I'm too dangerous or whatever the hell your thinking. But I'm the first one you run to when you need help , when you need to be safe, when you let that bastard put his hands on you."
Mehlani gasps .
"Yeah. You don't think I noticed the marks, the circles under your eyes. The way you flinch when I talk about him."
Melahni looks away from spooky ashamed.
"You left me because I wasn't good enough right!," he says standing over her, there's no room for her to move only a wall behind her and Spooky blocks her in.
   "You let him put his hands on  you. I wasn't  good enough but he is?"
  Mehlani  shakes her head, " it wasn't like that"
"Then what was it like,"  he yells!
"You let him beat you! Then ran back into his harms , but I'm the one who has to save you when your hiding out, when you need me!" "When have you ever been there for me!" He yells.

She's crying now.  Fiercely with anger and with pain. How dare he call himself her savior. How dare he act like she's played damsel her whole life.
       "How many nights" she screams!  "with a sick toddler because you didn't trust your stupid  mother." "How many times bringing food to the house .... and"
       "And what!"  He yells.  "What Melani, you want a trophy !  an award! You tried to stop the bad boy from falling into the wrong crowd. But you failed I grew up to be a monster !" He screams punching the wall next to her.
          "I don't think your a monster,"  she whispers tears sliding sliding sliding. He presses his forehead to her. And she realizes he's crying too.
    "Then why'd you give him away," he says. 
      "I thought I was saving him," she whispers.
    " They would have killed all of you," Mario says.  

     The two of them had forgotten that Mario was in the room. Lounging in a black leather chair. Waiting probably for whatever their next move would be.
    "It's been the three of us, always" he says angrily. "From day one!"  The both of you were selfish.
"Selfish,"  Mehlani screams! "Selfish! Mario you lied to me"!
"To save both of you," he yells! "They were going to kill you. And did you ever think about who they came to first! Who they asked for details. Who they threatened for answers."  "The prophets threatening my life if I let you fall for the Santos." "Like I had a fucking choice who you loved Mehalni." "And you", he says angrily looking at spooky. "Everything was always about you, always about what you needed"! "She would have fucking sacrificed herself for you. Giving herself to the prophets on a silver fucking platter if it meant saving you.  Like hell, I was going to let that happen. So yes, I took the baby,  and ....."
There's something Mario's hiding . It's hidden in his eyes . A secret.  One more secret piled up on top of all the rest we'd givin him.  One kept so deep that he couldn't look at either one of them now.
"I didn't give the baby to the prophets.  Not right away," Mehlani. 
Mehalani shakes her head , what are you talking about .
"I lied before." He looks at spooky . " Spooky brought your way out of the prophets long before that."
"How," I say trembling.
"Don't tell her." Spooky Whispers.
Mario looks at me.
Spooky walks up to Mario threatening . "I said don't tell her"!
    " I'm sick of keeping all of your secrets! You wanna kill me for it."  He says standing up to face Spooky , "then do it."
  "I deserve to know, " I yell at spooky . 
    "Do you though, " he asks.
The words are harsh , but Mehlani swallows them. Keeping her stance holding her ground.
"You sure you deserve anything," he screams!
"I told you mine," she whispers.  "No more secrets spooky please." 

He can't look at her. He sits down.  Mario is crying , why the hell is Mario crying .
"Tell her," Mario whispers.  "Oscar."
Oscar, Mario calling spooky Oscar. Like there kids again. Like he's scared again .He looks at her. His face already says a hundred thousand sorrys. She knows those eyes. She hasn't seen those eyes since he lost his mother.
"What did you do" She ask?
"To free the Princesss!  I had to murder the king ." he says, tears falling.
"I don't understand," she says. "I don't get it."
"I made sure your father...,"
Mehlani doesn't let him finish. "My father was dead before I ever got to free ridge."
"Baby", he cries. He shakes his head no.., he wasn't "
"The Prophets would never work with a Santos,," she screams " never" !  "They would never work with someone like you!"
"They said there was a guy they couldn't get to," he'd been hiding.
"My father died in a car crash , she screams at Spooky! " your a liar" you hate me , fine . Fine she screams , but don't tell me lies. Not lies like this."
"Mel ", Mario says through tears , "Spooky didn't know. Not til after . Not til it was done."
"I hate you," she screams!  "I hate you ! I hate you I hate you!"
It's Mario that catches her. Like he always does. She wishes that he wouldn't, so she could fall to the ground. So she can roll on the floor and cry like a toddler.  So she can scream in peace or maybe to pieces!
"We're even then" , spooky screams over her !  Over her crying over her loosing herself over her falling apart.
 " You handed a Santos son to the Prophets, and I killed your father. Some love story huh", he says sarcastically.
"Because I thought I was saving him," she screams!  "I thought I was saving him"!
"And I thought I was saving you," Spooky says through closed eyes Trying to breathe. 
"I didn't want to be saved," Mehlani yells. "I didn't need to be saved she cries. I could have saved myself," she sobs.
"Except you couldn't," Mario screams. "You tried , and you failed Mehlani." "They were never going to let you out." "They wanted to use you to get to him!"
"No", she yells! "No! I could have saved us."
"They were going to make you kill Jim Mehlani." "The prophets are twisted , Spooky says. They do things that Santos would never do. Santos are family first. Prophets . Prophets just want power."
Mario holds her still as she sobs and cries some more.
"Daddy," she cries . "Daddy!"
"He would have wanted you out,"Spooky whispers. "If I could take it back Mel,
I swear mehlani I didn't know til it was too late. They played me like a sick twisted game. I was angry, so angry that I shot 3 of them in the convenience store , after you left free ridge. I thought you found out. I thought they told you he cries. I thought you hated me."
"That's how you ended up in prison," she asked?
"He nods, feds thought it was armed robbery. None of them died , but the prophets never bothered me again."
"They have our son," she whispers. "Please Spooky."
He nods. "We'll find him."
Mario closes his eyes again. " I kept tabs on him until five years ago."
The words sting , they both turn to him.
"You've seen him?"  They both say.
"I was trying to tell you that ....The week after he was born. I took the child to your father. I figured he was in hiding , they would never be found. I thought he'd be safe."
Spooky laughs, it's a sick twisted laugh. "Fucking bastards ."
"What is it," Melani yells.
"I think I've already met the child, and if I'm right. I know exactly where he is."
"Where?" Mario asks.
"Somewhere around here. Plotting his revenge."
Malani looks confused "against who?"
"The person who killed the only father he knew, me." Spooky whispers.
He smiled to himself . " You don't know where he is Mehlani, but he the little shit knows exactly where you are , that's why that women gave you his picture. He wants us to find him."
"So we do exactly that , we find him and we explain to him the truth." Melani says. 
Spooky pulls his cigarette back to his lips. " I want to warn you , if the little shit acts out, I'll shoot him."
Melani glares at him not bothering to answer. Spooky glares back.


This book is almost at its close guys.  I hope you've enjoyed it  and I think there may be two or three chapters left.    With the way the original show ended ( what a disappointment.) I would love to know how you guys would like this story to end. Where do you see it going?  Also I have another amazing Story on Kindle Vella. Don't forge to check it out. Here's the link .


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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