Chapter 8

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After the fight incident, I spent most of my time with Tsireya. She showed me more stuff about the ocean. She placed a lightening creature on my shoulders and all of a sudden, I was able to breathe even if I was still under water. I smiled at her as I breathed deeply. "It allows you to breathe under water" she told me, smiling. The sea, in a way, was similar to the forest. At nightfall, everything lights up. It is literally breathtaking. After showing me the wonders of the sea, we came back to the beach. "Thank you so much Tsireya, for all of this" I said to her. "That's my pleasure" she simply replied. She looked sincere. She was different from the other, she was really happy to have us here and to show us about her ways, the wonders of what was her home.

I was nostalgic. I was missing my home, missing the forest. I was trying my best to hide it, trying to show everyone that I was strong, but deep down, I was feeling empty since the day we left. I tried to be the model, trying to show Tuk that this place could become our home, but I don't know if it will ever be. I liked it here, I even loved it, but it wasn't home...

I walked back to the hut. Neytiri was there, playing with Tuk's hair. I entered and Tuk immediately noticed my presence. "Hayla!" she said smiling. "Hey my sweet Tuk" I said softly, smiling back at her. I walked to the back of the hut and sat on the floor, next to my hammock as I brought my knees back to my chest, resting my head on them. Neytiri approached me and sat next to me. "Is everything okay, angel?" I turned my head to look at her and smiled. "Yeah.." I said in a low voice. Tuk joined us and sat in front of me holding my hand. She has such a pure heart. "You can tell me anything, you know" Neytiri said to me smiling. I sighed a little as I lowered my head. "I think I miss home a little.." I finally spoke. She took me in her arms. Whenever I was in her arms, I felt safe. My eyes filled with tears, but I tried to hold them, trying to show Tuk that I was strong. "We all miss home, my angel" Neytiri said with her comforting voice. She gently let go of me and looked at me in my eyes "but the most important part, is that we have each other" she added. I nodded, still looking in her eyes. She kissed my forehead. "I'll go take some air" I said softly. "Sure go" she said as she smiled at me. I walked towards the exit. "Hayla" she stopped me. I turned around. "Don't be afraid to live your emotions, crying doesn't make you weak" she said softly. I smiled at her before turning around and leaving.

I was walking to the ocean when I saw Neteyam walking, dragging Aonung by his queue, pushing him forward. He seemed deadly furious. Aonung was keeping his head down. "What's happening?" I asked Neteyam completely confused. He didn't even look at me, he kept walking with Aonung. "Follow me" he said. I frowned but followed him. I didn't understand what was happening but I knew it couldn't be good. Neteyam dragged him until they arrived to Jake. He was sitting down with Kiri, and they seemed to have a pretty deep conversation. Jake immediately stood up and faced the two boys. "Tell him what you told me" Neteyam asked Aonung in a harsh tone. He then admitted to Jake that he had brought Lo'ak pass the reef and that he hadn't come back. "You did what?!" I hissed at him. Jake put a hand in front of me to tell me to calm down. "We'll find him back, Halya, don't worry" he said but I could feel he was worried. He walked away. "I swear to Eywa, if he's dead, you won't see daylight again" I said pointing a finger at Aonung's chest. He looked at the floor. "I'm sorry" he whispered. I left angry and walked away. Jake had already gathered the whole clan to look for Lo'ak.

Neteyam followed me. "Hayla, wait" he said. I stopped and turned to him. "I'm going to search with the rest of the clan" I said. "Then we're going together" he said. He called his Ilu, he climbed on it, and I joined him, holding on to his waist. After a while, I let out a sight. "We'll find him" he said softly. Then we heard a Metkayina scream "The boy has been found". He turned to me as a smile formed on both of our face. We hurried back to the village and found back Lo'ak. Neytiri was already by his side. Lo'ak was giving an angry look at Aonung. "I pray for the strength that I will not pluck the eyeballs out of my youngest son!" Neytiri said, furious. "No" Tonowari said "my son knows he should've never brought him beyond the reef, the blame is on him".

"Okay..let's go" Jake said but Lo'ak cut him. "No, it's not Aonung's fault, this was my idea, he tried to talk me out of it" he continued. What in the great mother was he doing? I was about to talk but Neteyam stood in front of me. "Don't, it would make things worst" he said to me. I growled and walked away. We both followed Jake, Lo'ak and Neytiri. "Dad, you told me to make friends with these kids, that's all I was trying.." Lo'ak tried to explained to his father. "I don't want to hear it" Jake cut him with a harsh tone. "Dad.." Lo'ak tried again. "You brought shame to this family" Jake let out. His words were painful to hear. I looked at Lo'ak trying to see his reaction, he stayed quiet. Neytiri and Neteyam kept their sight on Jake. I lowered my ears and looked at the ground. He was way too hard on him. "Anymore trouble and I'll tie a knot in your tail, you read me?" Jake said to his youngest son. "Yes sir.." he said as Lo'ak left. "Where were you?" Neytiri turned to Neteyam. "Yeah what happen to keep an eye on your brother?" Jake added. "Sorry sir.." Neteyam said. I was so pissed off by the whole situation. Everyone blaming everyone when the only problem was Aonung.

Jake and Neytiri left, leaving me and Neteyam by ourselves. I sighed loudly and threw my head back in disbelief. He looked at me, not knowing what to say. "I can't stand these situations" I whispered. He took me in his arms. "Lo'ak is fine, that's all that counts" he said softly. I nodded in his arms. We then went to the hut and I gave Lo'ak a "what was that" look. He understood and slowly shook his head from left to right, trying to tell me not to worry. I frowned at him but he ignored me.

The day after, Aonung came to see me. "What do you want?" I asked firmly. "I want to apologize" he said softly. I looked at him, still mad for his actions. "He could've died" I said harshly. "I know and I'm sorry..our relationship didn't start well, I suggest we start all over again.." he said looking at me in the eyes for once since yesterday. I paused and looked at him. He smiled a little as he was waiting for me to speake. "Fine" I finally said. He smiled at my answer. "Don't ever be mean to any of us again or I'll beat your ass" I added. "Alright" he said smiling with his teeth. I smiled back.

In the afternoon we were all gathered to hear Lo'ak's story. I was sitting next to Neteyam. "The Tulkuns haven't returned yet..and anyway no Tulkun is ever alone" said Aonung while leaning against a tree. "This one was.." said Lo'ak. "This one had a missing fin, like a stump, on the left side" he added. "Poor Tulkun" said Tuk. I smiled at her, she's so pure. "Payakan" Tsireya said with a worried look. "It's Payakan" she said to the group. I frowned at her sudden concern. "Who's Payakan" I asked her. "A young bull who went rogue..he's outcast, alone and he has a missing fin" Rotxo said. "They say he's a killer" Tsireya said as she turned to Lo'ak. "No, no.." Lo'ak said. I turned to Neteyam and frowned but he simply looked at me. "He killed Na'vi and other Tulkun, not here but far to the south.." Aonung said looking at Lo'ak. "No he's not a killer" Lo'ak said shaking his head. "Lo'ak... you're lucky to be alive" Tsireya said softly to him holding his arm. "I'm telling you guys! He saved my life, he's my friend!" he told us all. I looked at him with concerned, not knowing who to trust, not knowing if this Tulkun was really dangerous or not. Then Neteyam got up and walked behind his brother. "My baby bro" he said as he put his hands on both of Lo'ak's shoulders "Mighty warrior! He faced a killer Tulkun and lived to tell the tale" he said smiling.

Lo'ak stood up and got out of his brother's grip. "You guys are not listening!" he said as he turned around and left. "Lo'ak I'm listening!" said Tuk. "Lo'ak please come back" I said to him, but he kept walking. Neteyam sighed. I closed my eyes, poor Lo'ak, he was so misunderstand. "Not your best one Neteyam" I said to him. "I was just trying to cheer him up" he said. "It worked great, as I can see" I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.

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