Chapter 18

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A week has passed since the end of the war, since the day Hayla was shot. Since then, Neteyam would never leave her side, he kept fate that she would wake up eventually. He was begging her to come back, claiming that their story wasn't over yet, that they had a whole life to spend together. The whole family would constantly check on her, spending time with her. As time went by, the chances of her waking up were slimmer and slimmer, but the family kept hoping.


I woke up to a familiar sound and smell. I opened my eyes only to see trees and leaves. A smile quickly formed on my face, I was home. I got up and walked in the forest, enjoying my surroundings and the familiar landscape. I stopped when I remembered. The sky people. The boat. The gunshot. The blood... I immediately looked down at my stomach, but there was no wound and no blood, not even a mark. I frowned in confusion. Then I heard a familiar voice calling me. "Hayla" the voice came from behind. I turned slowly before noticing two figures. That's when I recognized them. Tears filled my eyes. "Mom..Dad.." were the only words I could pronounced. I ran into their arms, burying me in their peaceful warmth. They held me tightly in their arms before I pulled away to look at them. I couldn't believe it. "My dear child" my mom said with the softest smile, laying her hand on my cheek. I laid my hand above hers and couldn't hold the tears anymore. "We're glad to see you daughter" my father said smiling widely.

My expression changed when I realized. "Wait..did I die?" I asked my parents. My parents looked at each other before my mother started to speak. "No my child, Eywa didn't take you because she decided it was not your time" she said smiling. "You'll have to go back Hayla, everyone is waiting for you" my father said. I looked at them with teary eyes "I don't want to leave you" I told them before burrying myself  in their arms again "I miss you both so much" I cried. They held me in their arms "We'll see each other again my child" my father said. "Neteyam has been waiting for you to wake up" my mother added with a soft smile. I smiled shyly to her, of course she knows. "I'm happy you are with him, plus he has a good heart" she said before I smiled even more. I felt bad for Neteyam, he must be so worried about me. I exhaled and became serious again. "How do I go back?" I asked them. "Just close your eyes" my father said softly. I looked at them one last time while tears were rolling down my cheeks, and closed my eyes. I heard both of their voice saying "I see you". 


I woke up and opened my eyes slowly. I looked around, I was in a hut alone, laying on a metal table. I tried to sit despite the pain I felt from my stomach. I groaned and looked at it, it was now covered by a white bandage. "Hayla?" I heard a familiar voice and turned to see Jake at the entrance of the hut. He had a shocked expression on his face. I smiled to him and said"Hi". He smiled and ran to hug me. "Oh my dear angel" I heard Neytiri's voice. She took me in her arms, holding me tightly. "We're so glad you are awake!" Jake said. "Is everyone alright?" I asked them, worried someone else was injured in the war. "Don't worry, everyone is okay" he replied with a comforting smile "how do you feel?". "Could be worse I guess, how long was I uncounscious?". "About a week" he answered before my smile dropped. "What? A week.." I spoke in disbelief. "Yes, you were in a pretty bad state" Jake told me.

"I need to see Neteyam" I said. I tried to stand up on my feet but Jake and Neytiri stopped me. "You should not walk yet, you must save your strength" Neytiri said with a soft voice. "I'm doing fine, please" I begged them giving them a pleading look. Neytiri looked at me in the eyes before she agreed to let me go. I walked out of the hut, walking was painful but it was tolerable. I ran into Tuk a few feet away from the hut. "Hayla!" she exclaimed before running into my arms. I winced at the pain that it caused me but I didn't care more. I hugged her tightly "Hi Tuk". "You slept for way too long!" she said chuckling. "I know, this wound tired me a lot" I replied to her before she took my hand and dragged me with her "we have to tell the others, they'll be happy to find out that you woke up!". "That's a good idea, but we'll walk slowly okay?". She looked down at my bandage and nodded with a pure smile.

We walked until we reached the beach. That's when I saw the others, Kiri, Lo'ak, Tsireya, Spider and Aonung. It warmed my heart to see them all safe. "Look who I brought with me!" Tuk screamed to the group. They turned and all of their faces lit up when they noticed me. I smiled with all my teeth. Kiri stood up and ran into my arms holding me tightly. "I'm so glad you woke up, I was so worried" she said. "And I'm glad to see that you're all okay" I said before she softly let go of me. I turned to Lo'ak, he was looking at me in the eyes, like if he couldn't believe it. I noticed his eyes filled with tears before he approached and took me in his arms "I'm sorry" he whispered. "You have no reason to be sorry" I whispered back. "We missed you" he added. He let go of me and I gave him a soft smile. Then Tsireya hugged me and asked how I was. "I'm fine don't worry" I reassured her before she gave me one of her lovely smiles. Then I turned to Aonung, he was smiling. "Not too sad I'm back?" I teased him. "Maybe a little.." he laughed as he tilted his head "I'm joking, I'm glad you're back on your feet" he said before he hugged me. I laughed before I pulled away from his embrace. I turned to Spider "I'm happy you're back with us" I said to him with a smile. He smiled back to me "And I'm happy you're back with us".

After all this love and welcome back, I still hadn't seen the person I was looking for in the first place. "Where is Neteyam?" I asked them. "He went further by the beach, he likes spending some time alone these days" Kiri said. I felt bad for him, if the role were reversed I would've been deadly worried for him. I looked in the distance and noticed a figure coming our way. I smiled when I recognized him. "There he is" I said, my eyes not moving from Neteyam. I slowly walked towards him, waiting for him to look up and notice me. My heart was racing in my chest, a feeling mixed with happiness, fear and excitment. Then he looked up, his eyes locking with mine. A smile formed on my face as tears filled my eyes. He stopped in his track when he realized. After a moment, he walked towards me, his eyes not leaving mine. When he was close enough he spoke. "Are you real?" he asked in a low voice. I laughed a little "I'm real, I'm right here" I reassured him. That's when he brought me close to him and I burried my face in his chest, in his warmth. Tears rolled down my cheeks, he was holding me tightly, not letting go. I felt safe in his strong arms, I felt like it was just the two of us against the whole world. "I can't believe it, you're awake" he said as he let go of me slowly. I looked up at him, he was smiling softly and had watery eyes. I smiled back to him "I had to, I promised to never leave you". He rested his hand on my cheek and kept looking at me before he finally pressed his lips against mine softly. We kissed tenderly as butterflies started to agitate in my stomach. As our lips were connected, I felt like the world around me disappeared, and I felt like I was home again. That's when I realized that he was my home now. Home was where Neteyam was. 

A / N : I'm planning to write two more chapters to this story, stay tuned :)

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