Chapter 12

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After a while, the Tulkuns left. The wonderful moment will for sure stay in my memory forever and I hope I'll be able to assist another one. Me and Neteyam were walking back to the hut when I noticed Lo'ak diving in the ocean. I frowned wondering where he was going. Neteyam followed my gaze and saw him also. He sighed. "Where do you think he's going?" he asked me. "My guess would be Payakan.." I replied. Then Tsireya, Aonung and Rotxo walked to us. "What are you guys looking at?" Aonung asked. "Lo'ak, he left, probably to go to Payakan" I replied. "Let's follow him" Tsireya said, waving us to follow her as she started to run towards the water. I looked at Neteyam and he looked at me. I shrugged and followed Tsireya, the three boys eventually following my steps. We dived in water, hoped on our Ilu and followed Lo'ak.

We finally caught up to him. We kept a good distance, hiding in some seaweed. Lo'ak was just in front of us, in front of Payakan. We all watched carrefully, when suddenly Payakan opened his mouth widely. My heart started to race when Lo'ak began to swim in the creature's mouth. I gave a concern look to Neteyam. I could tell he was also confused and worried, he turned and kept watching the scene. Lo'ak was now totally inside Payakan's mouth. I freaked out when his mouth closed. Neteyam immediately rushed out of the seaweed to help his brother, I was about to follow him, but I got stopped by Aonung who put his arm in front of me, stopping me from going any further. Neteyam was also stopped by Tsireya. I looked at Aonung with a sight filled with fear and confusion. He gestured me to calm down. I stared back at Payakan when his mouth opened back and Lo'ak got out. I closed my eyes in relief.

Lo'ak then came back to the surface and hugged Payakan. I had never been so confused. We swam back to the surface and I gasped for air. "What the hell was that" I asked the Metkayinas. "He bonded with him, he bonded with Payakan" Tsireya said with a worried expression on her face. " that a bad thing?" Neteyam asked, scared for the answer he was about to receive. "He's outcast.." Aonung simply replied. I sighed loudly.

We came back to the village with Lo'ak. Aonung and Tsireya had no other choice but to tell their parents, that was something they wouldn't be able to hide from them anyways. "You allowed this!" Ronal shouted to her daughter "you allowed him to bond with the outcast". I felt bad for her. She didn't know what to say, her ears were low, in shame. "Tsireya, you disappoint me daughter" her father added towards her. Tears rolled on Tsireya's cheeks. I lowered my head. "And you, son of a great warrior who has been taught better" Tonowari said now addressing to Lo'ak. "Payakan saved my life sir, you don't know him" he replied to the Chief. I raised my head to look at him with wide eyes. "No Lo'ak.." Tsireya tried to warn him.

"Sit, sit" Tonowari said as Lo'ak listened and crouched. He then looked at Tsireya, Neteyam, Aonung and I who were still standing up. "Sit down!" he screamed to us as we all crouched. My heart skipped a beat, angry Tonowari was scary, I hadn't seen him like that since our arrival. Neteyam laid a hand on my knees to make me relax. I looked at him and gave him a small smile before turning my head back to Tonowari. He then told the history of Tulkuns and how they used to fight for lands, until they realized that it was useless and killing became forbidden. "Payakan is a killer, so he's outcast" Tonowari added. "I'm sorry sir, but you're wrong" Lo'ak said. I cringed at his words.

I believed him, I believed him when he said that Payakan was not the killer that everyone said he was, but he was still talking to the Chief. "Lo'ak, you speak to the olo'eyktan" Neytiri hissed at his son. "I know..I.." Lo'ak tried to speak again but was cut by Jake. "That's enough!". "I know what I know" Lo'ak added before Ronal hissed at his arrogance. "That's enough!" Jake said once again as he began to walk angrily towards Lo'ak, grabbing him firmly by the arm "I'll deal with this one". I sighed. Jake brought Lo'ak away. Neteyam stood up and gently grabbed my hand for me to follow him. We left the hut.

Neteyam passed his arm around my shoulders. I looked down. He sighed. "All this storm is going to pass, don't worry" he told me with his comforting voice, rubbing my back. "I just feel bad for Lo'ak.." I started "I feel like he's so misunderstood and he constantly gets in trouble, but I don't think he does it on purpose, he's just trying to do what's right". Neteyam smiled to me. "You're right, but Lo'ak is strong, you don't have to worry about him being scold again" he said softly. I smiled back as I rested my head against his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. He returned the hug, wrapping my body with one of his arms as his other hand came to rest on my head, stroking my hair softly. He then laid a kiss on the top of my head. Oh great mother, I loved this man so much.

We walked back to the hut and before I got in, I saw Tsireya walking away. "I'll be back" I told Neteyam, giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking to the girl. "Tsireya!" I called her. She stopped and turned with a small smile on her face. "Yes?" she said softly as I caught up to her. "You've seen Lo'ak?". "Yes, I've just talked to him, he's by the beach" she replied. "Okay, thank you, oh and thank you also for being there for him" I said, smiling, gently resting my hand on her arm. She smiled back to me shyly. I walked towards the beach and found Lo'ak, he was sitting on the sand.

I approached him when he turned and looked at me. "What are you doing here?" he asked me on a cold tone. "Checking on you" I replied smiling as I sat next to him. "No, really? You're here to tell me how stupid I was?" he asked again, annoyed and not even adressing me a gaze. "No, Lo'ak. I came here to tell you that I believe you" I said softly. He turned his head to look at me. He seemed confused. I smiled to him. "I believe you when you say that Payakan is not a killer.. and if he saved you, I should have no problem liking him" I added. Then a smile formed on his lips. The one smile that warmed up my heart. I haven't seen that smile in a while. He then took me in his arms, holding me tightly. I hugged him back, chuckling a little. "Thank you Hayla" he said. "Anything for you Lo'ak" I replied softly.

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