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Telling him: 

"Okay, Usopp. You can come into my office now". Chopper calls for Usopp from his medical office's door.

"Thanks, Chopper. I know [Y/N] has been feeling under the weather for a bit so I appreciate you checking her over. What did you find out? Is it the flu?"

"She would like to talk to you herself, actually".

"She would? Why?"

"I found out what has been making her feel ill but she told me that she wants to tell you the results herself. I'll be right outside when you're done talking".

"You're worrying me, Chopper but guess if she wants to tell me herself than I won't question it" he walks into the room and closes the door behind him.

"Chopper said he figured out why you've been sick but didn't want to tell me himself. What's going on?"

"He did figure it out".

"And!? Don't leave me in suspense like this! If it's a serious illness then you can tell me! I don't care what sort of treatment it requires we will find it!"

"Usopp, calm down. Everything is alright. I wanted to give you the news myself because I felt like a doctor giving it wouldn't be as special.."

"Special? Are you implying that the sickness you have is a good thing?"

"...I guess you can look at it that way but this isn't a sickness".

"Then what?"

"I'm pregnant".

He begins to lose his footing "You're.. you're what? Pregnant! I don't know- Oh, man, I feel like I'm gonna pass out!"

The long-nosed man stumbles backward falling onto his butt. You leap off of the table and rush to his side. "Take a breath, Usopp. Here, let me help you onto the table to lie down. Chopper, we need you in here!"

Usopp closes his eyes and loses consciousness. The little reindeer dashes in and confirms that he passed out from a sudden, large influx of adrenaline.

After 10 minutes, Usopp opens his eyes. 

"Where am I? What happened?" he asks, hand covering his eyes to help ease the brightness of the room.

"You...fainted" you answer, almost cracking a smile

Usopp quickly sits up.

Chopper, still in the room, panics "Hey, don't do that! You gotta sit up slowly! You'll pass out again!"

"No, I'm fine. I remember what happened".

You and the doctor make eye contact for a moment and you both nod, non verbally giving the OK for you to continue "Oh. Well, yeah. He did blood work and the results came back as positive pregnancy. We're having a baby".

"I can't believe it. This was our first try we got it. I gotta lie down again- Wait. No. NO! I AM A MAN AND I CAN HANDLE THIS!" Usopp leaps up from the table and takes a victory pose. "I, Sniper King, will be the best father this world have ever known!"

Delivery or soon after:

You are trying to teach Usopp how to properly dress your daughter.

"She's tiny, Usopp so you need to be very careful when taking her clothes off and putting new clothing on her. I know it makes you nervous but you have to learn".

"I'm sorry, honey, I'm just scared I will hurt her".

"You won't. Besides, I've shown you multiple times so I'm sure you can do it. I will let you put this on her and then you can show me your work! I'm sure you'll get it".

You walk away from your husband and leave him with the baby who is lying on the changing table. He holds the tiny onesie up and eyes it all over, turning it at ever angle. "I know your feet go in here so there's that. What is this part? Ugh! I don't know!"

He looms over your daughter and begins putting on the onesie. He puts it on incorrectly the first time but manages to get it right the second attempt. "Alright!" He exclaims.

You were hiding right behind the wall and heard everything he said along with all of the shuffling. You were laughing the entire time. Walking back in, you attempt to hide the fact that you were nearly dying.

"Hey, you did it! See?"

"Yeah, I guess I overcomplicated it, huh?" he asks while he sweat drops and rubbing the back of his head


"Usopp! You're not teaching her how to use that monster of a slingshot are you? I told you not to. She is only 4 years old and it's bigger than she is. She'll fall right over backwards if she pulls it back!" your exclaim, shouting from the Sunny, looking at your husband and your daughter on the beach below.

Usopp scurries himself and your daughter closer to the ship so you can't see them. "Listen, [D/N], don't tell your mom. My slingshot lessons are a secret, remember?" he whispers followed by a wink.


"Okay, so you put the ammo in here like so and pull back as hard as you can. You then let go! It's as easy as that!"

"Okay, dad! I can do it! Watch me!" she aggressively pulls the the rubber bands back and falls backwards, dropping the slingshot as she does so. "Ouch! I fell down!" she begins to cry while rubbing the back of her head.

Usopp rushes to her side and picks her up. "Hey, hey, don't cry. It's okay.. shhh..." he rocks her side to side. "You fell onto the sand but it's soft! See? I can kick it as much as I want and it won't hurt my feet!" he says playfully while kicking up a mini sandstorm "I guess mom was right, huh? Maybe you are too little for this" he says under his breath.

Your daughter stops crying and lets out a giggle, kissing her dad on the cheek.

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