Camp Nevaeh

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Copyrighted ©️ 2023 Kinsey All Rights Reserved. On this story and any of my others, including chapters, prologues, epilogues, and all associated content is copyrighted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1977. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution, or selling of these works is seen as an infringement of copyright and is punishable by law.



Songs of the spooky night.



Hikes through the woods.

It all seemed so peaceful. A trip to summer camp with your friends, spending the summer outdoors, and creating new memories while revisiting the old news. Camping activities they learn, building fire with only sticks and one lighter. The camp was a blissful place to be for a week, with exciting times and some bad ones.

The year was 2009. Camp Nevaeh welcomed its first week of campers. The camp is full of surprises, and one camper took it upon themself to enter the forbidden half of the forest. Moments of fear washed over as the camper soon returned to the cabin within minutes of leaving. It dawned on the counselors and two of the staff.

Why was there half of the forest forbidden? Bears and squirrels did not seem to bother anyone in the camp. They are, of course, in Mother Earth's nature.

Good things happen to those who don't go to the lake.

One year after the camp, I had a tragic incident on the night of the last campfire of the summer. Camp Nevaeh watched its money go down the drain...

No Campers...

No counselors...

Zero staff...

Only the incident and the owner left to themselves. The owner cried as bills piled up. He never imagined this would happen. Did he blame anyone for what happened? No. He didn't blame the victim of this incident.

Did fate finally befall him?

Was the curse true?

What is the curse of Camp Nevaeh?

Or perhaps why will it not leave?

Driven by madness...

Where would this curse end? Headlines of the closed camp, no mention of any curse.

Who or what was the curse? As it disappeared.

As did Camp Nevaeh.

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