Camp of Dreams

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As buses full of children screaming got off the bus. The first day of camp opened the front gates. Perfect sunny day, right temp for a swim in the lake.

"Peyton, Amy, Luna, and Jessa."

The girls squeled as they would be sharing a cabin. They all met the summer before by chance. They ensured that they all would enroll at Camp.

"You'll be in the Arch-Bash cabin. Your consuler is Angie. Have fun and good luck."

The cabin happened to be the last one, rigbt at entrance to the woods. Each cabin had its own secret entrance to a part of the camp. There were seven cabins total. Some say the camp has darker secrets.

As the girls settled down, they waited for Angie. Delighted to unpack and go search in the woods, Peyton set her bed. She was known to be the adventurous one. The others preferred getting girlh for cute boys.

"Peyton, wait till Angie comes." Her friends plead.

The cabin became earily silent. The remaining girls are now scared.

Peyton planned her summer to be different. Different from her friends. There were a lot of mysteries out there, and she would discover them no matter what.

They begged her not to go. Angie was known to be tough. It amazed the workers. Angie tries to impress the boss's oldest son, Eric.

The cabin door swung open.

Angie and Eric stumbled in. Eric digging into her kneck. "Welcome girls, as you know, I'm Angie..."

"You heard her, go." Eric snarled.

All of them ushered past the lovers, who slammed the door behind the campers.

Peyton hugged her friends. They separated, going their own ways. "Be safe."

"You too." They agreed to meet up for lunch. Into the woods Peyton went. No fear.

Freedom, Peyton ran barefoot through the woods. Hair down flowing with the wind.

"I don't understand why they are afraid. It's beautiful out here." Peyton danced. The wind is a guidance.

"The wind really likes you."

Peyton shrieked as the person talked. "Woah there, sorry. I thought I'd be here alone."

They share a laugh. "You wanna let me up now?"

As if the wind never disappeared, Peyton was back on her feet. She didn't understand. The atmosphere should feel different with the wind, but it never did.

The person identified themself. Jared Max Cord. He explained he was staying at the same camp but didn't waste time exploring. In fact, he offered his buddies a chance to swim and fish at the lake. Peyton wouldn't mind joining him. One couldn't agrue the beauty of the lake.

A small current brushed against rocks. Fish families swimming in the current. The current was simple enough  for no one to be pushed away. Just meant an easier way to catch fish.

It truly was relaxing. Shallow depths hung in the horizon. It didn't take long for the first bite. Peyton shrieked and struggled. Jared chuckled, helping Peyton.

Jared forced the pile back. Peyton felt them fall backward. Dropping the pole, Jared moved Peyton closer to him. He pulled her to the left as she was on beneath him.

Peyton tried readjusting her and the situation. She never had a boyfriend. "A girl of many dark secrets" is what people call her back home.

Jared cupped her face. He would ensure the safety of Peyton. He waited for the confused Peyton to look at him. "Peyton, it's okay." He coaxed softly. "We don't want to lose this beautiful friendship; over a mistake. Do we?" Jared's words unsoothed Peyton.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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